Final Countdown -F14A VF-84 Jolly Rogers, A6m Zero

Started by Chuck A. Villanueva · 141 · 4 years ago
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    Peter Hausamann said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Circular disk plasma display, like this 16" disk, would be an impressive backdrop.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Well you also have to realize the ramifications of all the men and women that were killed in the attack now still alive. And of course their future relatives that have not been conceived now being able to live as well. Imagine this one of the survivors in the 50's or 60's going to the same school at the same time let say with George Bush. And somehow that kid becomes a prominent politician and instead of George W becoming president this guy that wasn't supposed to be there wins the nomination, and maybe he is not as well liked and so instead Gore becomes president and that of course changes what we know now. That is just one instance, it would affect all aspects of life in America, Who knows that JFK's Pt 109 isn't sunk. George HW Bush serves in Europe instead of in the Pacific and gets killed in action. So many scenarios if history is somehow changed. And everything as we know it is not how it is today. From Biplanes in the 30's to flying jets in the 1940's. . Shows how technology accelerated and advanced in less than 15 years. And this is before computers and micro technology that we have today. And yet the F-35 is now finally flying and it was on the drawing board in 1997. Though remember this movie is a bit different where as no time machine or device was involved to travel back in time. The Final Countdown scenario involved a type of wormhole or a gate that allowed a ship to go back in time in an unexpected unplanned event. Rather a unique approach in time travel.

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    david leigh-smith said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Don’t get me started on time travel, please...I’ve got things I need to do today. Not least a little modeling!

    If we ascribe to the ‘Multiverse theory’ then all the scenarios you described above have actually happened/are happening. If we found a wormhole into these other ‘realities’ then anything and everything is possible. Not only could you go back and kill your own grandfather with impunity, you could kill your younger self and still exist in that timeline.

    I read a book by Stephen King, 11.22.63 - in which a guy finds a wormhole and becomes obsessed with stopping Kennedy’s assassination. Spoiler alert here, but when he does eventuall succeed and stops Oswald, the future is actually much, much worse. They made a TV show from this...

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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Chuck (@uscusn)

    "The Final Countdown scenario involved a type of wormhole or a gate that allowed a ship to go back in time in an unexpected unplanned event. Rather a unique approach in time travel."

    Yes, I know that in The Final Countdown scenario it didn't involve a man-made/created portal, as on the Philadelphia Experiment.

    The theories out there is that both, man-made/created, or natural portals (or wormwholes) do exist.

    A lot of evidence seems to corroborate both actually do exist.

    As for the possibilities of changing the past in order to change the future, I'm convinced there is some universal law that forbids that to happen.
    Or if possible, then different timelines for the future will be created and both co-exist in the future. Meaning that those in a timeline will never know about those potential changes in the past, as both will follow different paths...

    David (@dirtylittlefokker)

    I like some of Stephen King's books (in films, as I've never read one of his books), but IMHO that theory is wrong. As I say above, by changing the past, nothing would change in that particular timeline, a new one would be created instead.



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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    I remember when this movie first came out... I watched it several times and thought it was very cool. (still do to this day).

    Excellent choice Chuck... 🙂

    and just thinking about the possibilities for changing the future by changing the past... I probably would not have an ex wife... I'd have skipped "that" one. 🙂 and went straight for the current "Misses G". She's a keeper and I'm very fortunate.

    Live and learn, forgive and forget, hind sight is indeed 20 / 20...

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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Not sure why, but have been trying to reply to Louis post, tried a few times, with two different browsers, but for some reason my post won't show up!...

    After I hit the Post Reply button, a message shows up at the top of the page saying: "There was an error when replying to that topic" (or similar words) ...


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    Chaz Sutherland said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    For me, the ultimate time-fiction story was “All You Zombies” by Robert A. Heinlein. I read it in one of the popular pulp fiction anthology mags as a kid. Most likely Asimov. IMHO it’s the best use of a time-travel paradox, but doesn’t much inspire any type of model building or a decent diorama. Final Countdown is a much better choice.

    From my studies the term 'multiverse' is more applicable to the existence of one or more universes beyond the boundaries of our current knowable existence, but isn’t necessarily coinciding or overlapping in any manner with others. The original analogy of a multiverse is more akin to soap bubbles floating through the air than an onion and its overlapping layers. Each bubble could even have its own law of physics but would still remain inert from the others. Some could cluster, but even so, the bubbles remain separate on the inside where the occupants reside. They would never know of what exists beyond the walls of their own bubble, no matter how close the other bubbles might be. There’s also the hypothesis that “Inside the bubble” means residing on the surface of the bubble and that it might appear to be a 2D decal stretched over an undulating 3D ovoid of sorts. However, leaving the surface (higher or lower) in any manner would require the same or more energy than to travel across the surface of the ovoid. This would give it infinite form from any point on the surface. Overlay these bubbles with each other, the layers would infer proximity like layers in an onion, but it’s actually no different than the first scenario where the bubbles are next to each other with trapped residents within. In both scenarios the occupants of one multiverse would never coincide with another. But wait…

    ‘Multiverse’ has certainly been adopted by mainstream pop culture and though it’s current usage is less accurate than the original meaning, it can still exist in the context painted here and abroad. The overlapping of timelines and the infinite permeations in infinite combinations is better described as ‘chrono-dimensional faceting’ (my own term actually). This is a more accurate description of where/when multiple timelines are coinciding in some manner (or not). Even to the point that the imagined existences of every occupant in every possible combination would both exist in perpetuity and also not at all. Admittedly, this is also the scenario where multiverses would also exist per my former description, but these multiverses are now a permeation of the faceting and not the fundamental construct of reality as a whole. In this case, every multiverse would also have infinite combinations of itself and the infinite combinations of the other multiverses in infinite combinations to each other. This is getting into the math that attempts to describe the different sizes of different infinities (since some infinities are larger than others). Overlay all this with ‘negation’ and the whole thing really starts to get weird.

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    david leigh-smith said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    ‘Chrono-dimensional faceting’- now THERE’S a phrase you didn’t think you’d read on a modeling forum. Fascinating post, Chaz. I follow most (well, some...) of your points, and my pet ‘like’ is the ‘relative state formulation’ - falling back to quantum theory and good old Shrodinger’s Cat. Every state, past and future, may be possible. All of which is to say that somewhere, the Nimitz appeared in the Pacific on December 1941 and whooped the Japanese, and didn’t, and did...oh, boy.

    If you fancy a fanciful read regarding this, you could do worse than this...

    A good read for someone with an interest in WW2 and modern military, oh, and time travel.

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    Chaz Sutherland said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    It's on my Amazon wishlist. Thanks Dave.

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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Chaz (@cybergolem)

    "The original analogy of a multiverse is more akin to soap bubbles floating through the air than an onion and its overlapping layers."

    Believe you're right, that matches what I've been researching on this subject.

    Notice that there is another thing called Dimensions, and those will most probably exist in our own Universe (no idea about others, but then no one would know) .
    These Dimensions are the ones that would exist all around our own 3D, just like the layers of an onion, remaining invisible to our eyes, or even our current technology (but then again, the current Human technology cannot directly see Dark Matter, nor Dark Energy, even though they know both exist; with around 68% of this Universe being made of Dark Energy, and around 27% being made of Dark Matter, the reality is that the entire Cosmos that we can actually see is only around 5% of the real thing!... All the rest is unknown and unseen to us!...) .



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    david leigh-smith said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Hey, @roofrat - you have a beer for me, too?

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    Adolfo Coelho said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    David (@dirtylittlefokker)

    I honestly don't think a beer (or two, or more) would help... lol...

    For these mysteries I'd suggest Ayahuasca instead 🙂



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    Robert Royes said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    You might be right. in the mean time I've got the beer, or how about some Saurian brandy?

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    david leigh-smith said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    Ah, this is a spoiler for one of my builds for this group;

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    Robert Royes said 6 years, 1 month ago:

    I told you I had a bottle.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.