”Fury”………. 1/35 Tamiya Sherman and DML / Dragon Tiger I

Started by Louis Gardner · 74 · 4 years ago
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    Stephen W Towle said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Gosh, how disappointing. No mention of the Brad Pitt figure in the kit. I thought everyone went to the movie for the movie stars. I found the movie to be one of those Hollyweird point less ...er over thought out scripts that allows the anti-hero's to tough it out when their tank throws a track. Hey lets take on the German army and fight to the last bullet. No Grunt would do that. Ditch the tank and fight another day. Still the hardware was the star of the movie and the Bovingdon Tiger and the Sherman did a excellent job of playing tanks. Academy award stuff.

    Louis, the movies,modeling and the internet kind of fall by the way side when it comes to family. Hospitals ...yeah they are a love and hate relationship. My thoughts and prayers for Sandy. Chemo is designed to kill the fastest growing cells in the body. Its designed to go after the cancer. However, hair is one of the faster growing cells and is one of side effects of chemo it falls out. I have several friends and a neighbor who are survivors of cancer and the hair grew back. Its tough being the fly on the wall and waiting those endless hours in the lounge. Take care of yourself and all the best to Sandy.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Belton Y. Cooper’s 1998 memoir Death Traps: The Survival of an American Armored Division in World War II is full f stories that make ‘Fury’ look like Disney...

    Anyway, this is a fantastic addition the iModeller at the Movies GB. Has all the hallmarks of a Gardner classic. With Morne climbing on board, we’ve reached an unbelievable 90 members, and some stellar build projects.

    I appreciate all the work I know you’ll put into this Louis, you are a real heavy hitter on this site and your support means a lot.

    Here’s my ‘Fury’ contribution. No idea who the fat old guy is in front of the tank though.

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    Robert Royes said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Looks like an awesome build, Louis! God speed on this long and winding road sir.

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 9 months ago:

    Thanks gentlemen for the thoughts and feedback for this build. I would really be grateful if you could send me any pictures of the "Fury" Sherman that you may have squirreled away. I will try my best to make this model one look as close to the real "Fury" as I can.

    So any pictures or personal observations you may have, please don't hesitate to send them my way if you don't mind, just as my good friend David Mills has...

    Thanks Dave ! @davem
    Your photos are exactly the type that I have been looking for.

    Morne, @mornem
    I sincerely appreciate the kind words. Please continue to keep Sandy and I in your prayers. Hopefully she can beat this terrible disease just as your mother has. I'll return the favor and add you and your mom into my prayers too... Thank you !

    Jeff B. @mikegolf
    It's always good to hear from you. I remember talking with you about your ordeal with cancer. It's a horrible disease. You were very fortunate in many ways as you mentioned in your posting. You are living proof that it can be done. God bless you man ! I am hoping that the treatments continue to improve, and an even better thing would be to cure this disease once and for all. They have made some progress for sure...

    As far as naming your tank... this is something a tanker would like to do, but we were not allowed to have names on our vehicles in my unit. So we often called the tank a name instead of actually painting something on it. For a while, I mentally thought of my tank as "Sue"... for at the time I really cared for this young lady with the same name. She was the "one that got away", but it was my fault. We all have one of those, (at least I do).

    Now when we got our brand new M1A-1's, we were allowed to name them. "M" Company got theirs first. Since they were "Mike" Company, all of their tanks were names with a name starting with the letter "M". There were tanks called "Minotaur" and "Man-o-War", names like that.

    I was in "L" Troop, so our tanks were to be named something starting with the letter "L"... My crew had mentioned to me about naming our tank "Lucifer", Loucifer or even Louisifer since my name was Louis... I didn't find this very amusing, and so it was shelved for a name.

    Robert @roofrat
    Thanks my friend... we are definitely venturing into new territory, with this model build, and with the cancer treatments.

    Stephen, @stephen-w-towle

    Thanks for the kind thoughts and continued prayer for Sandy. We sincerely appreciate this.

    I have to agree with you that most tankers would have likely became "Infantry" when their tank became disabled and took the high road given a similar situation. They probably would have destroyed it in place, leaving nothing valuable behind. The only way I can see this actually happening is if they were ordered to hold the position "at all costs"... then it very well may have occurred. Orders are orders, and this very well could have happened if the tank crew knew if they abandoned their post, their fellow soldiers lives behind them would be at risk.

    Soldiers will "Risk a lot to save a lot. Risk a little to save a little...Risk nothing to save nothing."...

    We had this saying when I worked in the Fire Services, and it is also true for the military.

    David ... @dirtylittlefokker

    the pictures you just posted are priceless ! Many thanks ... I have read the book "Death Traps" by Belton Cooper. I loaned it out and it was never returned... bummer. It was a very honest and scary first hand account on how the numerous knocked out / damaged Sherman tanks were recovered, repaired, and when possible returned to front line service. The horrors he saw inside these mangled wrecks... very sad. One particular part I remember from the book was how they would repaint the interiors of the tanks with a fresh coat of white paint, yet still the smell of death would linger on... horrible stuff. If anyone reading this has even the slightest interest in WW2 American armor, this book is a worthy addition to your collection. It gets 5 stars from me...

    Today I had some outside chores to take care of in our yard. While doing this yard work, I had an idea ... about how I was going to replicate the 3 logs that are strapped to each side of the tank.

    While trimming back / pruning our crape myrtle bushes, I came up with this idea to use some smaller straight branches from the shrubs... So I cut off this handful of small diameter branches that are reasonably straight.

    What better way to replicate wood, than using actual wood ?

    The plan is to trim these down to size and try to cut the ends off angles as the ones on the side of "Fury" are... Now I need to locate some small diameter rope... maybe something similar to what is commonly used for model ship building, like the old sailing vessels.

    Thanks again everyone for the comments, and please stay tuned for another update soon. I'm going to be cutting some plastic parts from the trees here in a few...

    In typical "Iron Werks" fashion, I'll be building two Sherman's at once. One will be the Korean War version for Jamie Carreon's "Nose Art" GB and will have a huge red Cat Face on the front slope. I wanted to build one like this using the older Dragon DML kit back when we had the "Year of the Cat" GB happening... but I ran out of time.

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    I have received several sets of pictures of Fury and the Tiger from my friends across the pond ... Thank you ! They will be extremely helpful during the build.

    One thing I noticed is that "Fury" used a rubber blocked track that was called the T-84 style. The same style was used on the later M-26 and M-46 series of tanks, but they used a different center guide that what was used on the Sherman HVSS. The Pershing's and Patton's used a T-84 E1 rubber block track, but most often steel tracks were used in combat on both types (including the Sherman).

    I had a set of AFV Club steel cleat T-80 tracks for a HVSS Sherman, but I plan on using these on my Korean War version.

    So I had to locate a set of aftermarket tracks, since the ones supplied in the kit were not correct since "Fury" used a different style.

    AFV club made a set that are individual links, and I really like how they assemble.

    I managed to find a set for sale at a reasonable price from an online auction website. Once it arrives I'll take a few pictures and post them up...

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    The set of AFV club tracks arrived today in the mail...

    Here's a peek as to what is inside the box. Two plastic bags containing the parts...

    The assembly instructions are on the back of the box.

    It is a very simple affair to put these together. First off, you snap on a center guide... then snap the track block to another one.

    Then you add the end connectors. The instructions show it being done 4 at a time. Personally I have found it easier to just do one at a time. That way you only have to line up one set of tracks.

    Here's the painting guide. The rubber coated sections of the track are painted "tire black" and the rest is painted "steel".

    Here's a close up of one bag containing the parts.

    I removed one of the plastic trees to show the details molded into the track parts.

    This close up shows the rubber cleat side of the track and the end connectors. This is the side of the track that makes contact with the ground on the real tank.

    This next picture shows the back side of the track where the road wheels ride on the track. They also show the center guides on the far left side of the picture.

    The back side of the track block has some ejector marks cast into them. Hopefully they will not be too hard to take care of. Most often this section of the track is hardly noticeable anyway...

    as usual,
    Comments are encouraged...

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    Rick Wilkes said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Louis, I used a a set of AFV Club T-80 on a IDF M51 that assembles the same way as the T-84 track you’ve purchased. Tedious is not a strong enough word to describe building up these things. The two main items you’ll need to address besides the pin marks on the inner faces of the track pads are 1: the mold seam that runs around each track pad. It interferes with the guide teeth and prevents them from seating completely. & 2. The guide teeth themselves. The “c” shaped opening that clips to the pin in the center of each track link needs to be “dressed” to ensure an easy fit, otherwise you’ll end up bending and/or breaking the pin.

    I finished one side and decided they weren’t worth the work when compared to kit kit supplied T-80 track (Academy) by the time the painting and weathering is done.

    I’m working on “Fury” too, currently stymied on the stowage, and I’m using an extra set T-80 track from a Tamiya M-51. I know the grouser chevron is too narrow, but painted “rubber” and weathered, 99.9% of “experts” won’t notice, and even more important, I don’t care if they do. Now if I can motivate myself to paint & install all that stowage, it might move forward, but it also may just end up sitting on the shelf “nekkid”.

    BTW I thought the TC in the WW2 Tamiya Easy 8 was a good “ersatz” War Daddy

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    This is a mother lode. An ‘A’ lister iModeler thread. Cream rising to the top.

    Just love these posts that are part Work in Progress, part instruction, some stream of consciousness, and just good ole boys around the bench.

    Really l8ke the ‘logs’ Louis. Excellent fit.

    This may get me motivated to do my ‘Oddball vs. the Tiger’ dio - another to add to a growing collection of WiPs.

    Brilliant stuff, Louis. Excellent entertainment.

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    Robert Royes said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Agggh! the tracks the tracks! I have a hard enough time putting the vinyl tracks together that I find the old aurora/monogram kits, putting links together would drive me more batty then I am. A line from Kelly's Hero's.." make a deal, make a deal, deal".

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 5 years, 8 months ago:

    Another incredible WIP, this has now motivated me to go ahead and build a Sherman, When D-L first brought this movie GB, the first movie that came to mind was Kelly's Heroes and the Shermans used in the movie. Shelved it and moved on with the Final Countdown build first, then the Firebird in Smokey and the Bandit. Figured I would have a full plate with those. Now with your Sherman thread, you know what the heck lets go ahead do the Sherman and maybe a couple of more vehicles used in the movie, maybe a Tiger even.

    And give Sandy a big hug for me. It will be all good, tough journey but you two kids will overcome, God Bless.

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 7 months ago:

    Hello Rick, @fuzzmann

    Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for the heads up about the AFV tracks. I may look into some of my other Sherman kits to see what tracks they have, should I run into the same troubles you had. I want to have a set of rubber T-84 tracks on this one. I did notice some of the mold seams you mentioned. I thought about simply adding some mud on them to hide these imperfections. Maybe we can brain storm some ideas about the storage on the rear deck. I'd hate to see your kit ending up all "Nekkid" 🙂

    I agree, the "War Daddy" TC looks pretty decent right out of the box... That's the one I'll be using too. I'll check to see if I have any other crewmen that will be suitable. If not I'll just leave the rest of the hatches "buttoned up".

    Thanks again !

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 7 months ago:

    Hello David, @dirtylittlefokker
    Your comments are much appreciated my friend... Sometimes the best things happen when we least expect them to. Inspiration can come from anywhere at anytime. The logs idea came to me when I was trimming back some shrubs in the yard... I was just daydreaming away, thinking about the logs on the side of Fury and then it hit me.

    I really enjoy these WIP's threads. Just ordinary guys shooting the breeze...

    In case you're interested, I posted up some pictures of "Oddball's" Tiger over on Chuck Villanueva's Kelly's Hero's build journal... I'll "borrow" one or two (or three) pictures back to tempt you.

    You don't have an old T-34 kit laying around do you ?

    You could take a turret from a Tiger (or even scratch one since the sides are flat) and make up a "hybrid" of your own... That's how the real one was. A T-34 hull modified to look like a Tiger... of sorts. Kind of... 🙂

    You might even have a few parts left over from your last Tiger dio... DML often included multiple front mantles, and even turret stowage boxes in some of their Tiger kits. There's even the possibility of a spare Commander's cupola in the box.

    I just noticed that the turret numbers are all different on these... You might have to watch the movie again to find out which one is correct... Hmm.

    Food for thought AND some inspiration.

    Take care !

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 7 months ago:

    Hey there Robert ! @roofrat

    Thanks for joining in on the BS session. What you said is exactly one of the reasons I started using individual track links on my builds. For the longest time, I couldn't get the one piece rubber band type tracks to glue together either. Mine would simply come undone after a day or so later... I even resorted to using a household stapler to join the ends together on a few occasions... Then the track simply broke somewhere else... This happened on my last Sherman build for the Kasserine Pass GB... True story.

    Good to hear form you.

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 7 months ago:

    Hello Chuck ! @uscusn

    It pleases me knowing that this journal has inspired you to build up a Sherman... I have been watching your build journal with much interest... I'm sure if you decide to build up a Tiger that you would knock it out of the park.

    Kelly's Hero's is one of my favorite "War" movies and I'll watch it anytime it comes on TV...

    My little Sandy's been a real trooper so far. Thanks for the kind words, and please continue to keep her in your prayers.

    Thanks buddy... 🙂

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 7 months ago:

    Last night I finally got around to cutting some plastic on this one………… and did some work on a “sister” tank from the Korean War at the same time. The other Sherman belonged to "Rice's Red Devils".

    The majority of the tank’s hull parts are located on a single sprue. This “Easy 8” version has a hull that is built up reminiscent of a Dragon / DML kit. However it has the fit and finish we have came to expect from Tamiya. Everything was spot on the money. No gaps and the details cast into the plastic parts is very good……….

    Here are the parts that make up the lower portion of the hull.

    Once they are glued together they look like this:

    There’s a “firewall” of sorts provided. It is the vertical panel with several holes in it. You can see it pretty easily in this next photo that shows the rear of the hull.

    Sorry David, but the "red tipped" toothpick has been retired now that we have this new pointer feature... Maybe every once in the while I'll post up a picture of our old friend just to say hello...

    I deviated a little from the plans and installed the “bolt on” front armored slope next. I did this because I wanted something in place to hold the sides of the hull stationary as the glue set up.

    How I deviated from the plans is this: They have you add on the tow brackets and a few other small bits prior to installing the front slope. Looking back, I could have simply built the front slope up prior, and had it ready to go………….
    Maybe on the next one.

    Here you can see where I prepared the parts to build up another Sherman hull. They’re sitting next to the previously assembled unit.

    They went together easy peasy……….. just like the first one did. One of these will be “Fury”, while the other will be one of “Rice’s Red Devils”…………..

    and then there were two…………..

    As always, Comments are encouraged.

    Thanks for looking.