Thanks for the invite. Black Sheep for me!

Started by Robert Paschall · 28 · 5 years ago
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    Peter Hausamann said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    There's certianly something appealing about the corsair. Perhaps the bent wing looks more bird than plane.
    Never saw Black Sheep TV series. Pity.
    Robert, I am looking forward to see what unfolds in this build log.

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    James B Robinson said 5 years, 6 months ago:
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    Peter Hausamann said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    Thank you James. Will venture to watch a few episodes later today. Currently waiting for a visitor, whom I have never met face to face, only via a modelling forum, who is passing by my town and wishes to eyeball the Wardell Bridge project.


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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    Don’t hold back, Tom. Tell us how you really feel...

    I think most of us who are creating projects for this group build (regarding the TV shows especially) are indeed connecting with that 7 or 8 year old kid inside, not the adult who knows “hysterical accuracy” (thanks, Jeff) from reality. Hell, I am 100% sure every single thing you said is correct, but I wouldn’t tell my eight year old daughter Father Christmas is a capitalist ploy to get us to spend hard earned cash on c@#p we don’t need, even though I really want to.

    Wilful suspension of disbelief comes second nature to a child although it’s something movie makers try (in some talented cases, anyway) very hard at recreating. I do think us modelers have a hard time dissociating from our ‘inner child’ when we build, and that’s healthy. Our identity is made over a lifetime, not something we arrive at. Not saying anything you said is wrong (far from it, actually) - just that for some of us Pappy was a fantasy, even though our adult selves know otherwise.

    It’s becoming difficult just enjoying movies sometimes, I had a recent experiece watching the ‘Usual Suspects’ and couldn’t stop thinking of all that stuff going on with Kevin Spacey.

    Just don’t try and tell me Captain Kirk was an a...let’s not go there.

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    Peter Hausamann said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    I've just been tarred and feathered. I like Top Gun.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    Partner, around these parts, us folks call it being 'Cleavered' - and you ain't the first.

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    James B Robinson said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    Factually...I was 17 when the show came out. Dad and I had several discussions about how incorrect it was, the portrayal of Boyington was far from correct. We both realized that it was just another program to pass the time. In other words, we didn't mind if we missed a show or two. We found it humorous at the most. BTW, episode 2.06 Boyington was a guest star. In the last episode, the guest star was none other than Peter Frampton. It aired on April 6, 1978. Missed that one. I was in college and really didn't have time for TV.

    The shows I remember most from my childhood, The Rat Patrol, 12 O'clock High and Combat.

    Peter @tecko, you go right ahead with yourself and like what you want to like! 🙂

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    Tom Cleaver said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    I am friends with two of the Baa Baa writers and that business with Bellisario still rankles. The thing about that show is, it could have been good. Instead, they went for the yuck.

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    I get what you are saying Tom...


    But MOST Hollywood shows are a load of C R A P ... if you consider historical accuracy. It's TV and meant to be entertainment.

    I happened to like the show as a kid. My Dad and I would watch it regularly. Dad would often comment about how "this wouldn't have happened" or "He would be in the Brig then dishonorably discharged after that happened", and even things like "I never saw a nurse anywhere near a combat zone. They were always a little ways from the front". Another good one was "If the joystick moved around that much while the pilot was firing, he wouldn't hit a thing !".

    It was meant to be entertainment.

    I suppose you don't like the TV series MASH either ? That was a lot of pure fiction too, but somehow it managed to stay on the air for 12 years (I think going from memory)... It too was loaded with a bunch of historically inaccurate things that never happened.

    I liked the Blacksheep... and Top Gun... and MASH ! So I guess I'm going to get tarred and feathered too... Ooops "Cleavered".

    Bring it on big boy. I get it. You're a writer and have met some people that most don't get the opportunity to ... Does this make you special ?

    Not in the least. You put your pants on one leg at a time, just like the rest of us. I'm quite tired of your regular negativity... If I didn't like the Movie "Kelly's Heroes", I'd call you Moriarity... with all of those negative waves...

    By the way, that's a bunch of fiction too...


    I feel for you since you had to suffer from comments like his. Hopefully we can get back to the regularly scheduled event, which is supposed to be about building Corsairs... which I ALSO like.

    Build what you like and forget about what someone else may think.

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    Tom Cleaver said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    One response: Band of Brothers. You can do it right and be entertaining and popular. All you have to do is want to. And yes, this is a fight I've been fighting in Okeefenokee West for 35 years now.

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    Ok, lets defuse this. As the administrator of this build, it’s difficult to see my iModeler ‘brothers’ argue. I’m not saying we all have to agree, which in some ways would be worse, but everyone has a unique perspective in this community. That perspective is important to each of us, but there’s more that binds us together than separates us.

    I suggest if anyone wants to discuss this we can do it on private messages, but I don’t expect anyone to do so, because we don’t need to, right?

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    A fight that does not belong here on this site, take it somewhere else. We are talking about entertainment that reaches the masses. Some understand it, some don't some don't like it. Shows like Black Sheep, MASH and JAG were created to entertain. Take real events, put a spin on them to either to be funny or dramatic to make it interesting as best as possible. Knowing that targeting an audience that have no interest or care about warfare, or what a Corsair looks like or generally don't like military style shows. This thread is talking about modeling those Corsairs based on the show. A show many people liked and some who who didn't and in the end didn't last long despite many writing in too keep the show going. As it was entertaining. I loved it because, not because it was correct or historic not even close , because it was fun watching the Corsairs fly. Didn't care about the story, didn't care who was involved. The show was fictional. And to bag a WWII Marine Corp veteran despite his history is not your place to say. This is one person I did get to meet at the Chino Air Show back in the 80's and was able to spend some time, gruffy guy, and one thing he did say humbly was don't believe everything about him, , at the time I didn't know any of the things you say about the man (and I won't take what you said regardless). All I know that day it was Pappy Boyington retired Marine, and no one gets to be in command unit without earning it also give away Medal of Honor medals. What happens during war changes a man. He was also a POW. Not excusing him if it is true, but as we have found out, words from other people is just here say , As we know there are many outstanding men that had exploits that made them who they are on both sides, but unless we were right there next to them as winesse in how they performed how can we judge them except takes some ones elses word that may not be true? Besides your personal opinions on movies are yours alone and should keep to yourself. I don't like everything, but I'm not going to tell the world unless someone ask me directly. Band of Brothers excellent show. But when you group a bunch of us who happen to love movies and shows like Top Gun and Baa Baa Black Sheep and think we are mindless and don't care about what really happened or how it should've or could've and doesn't meet YOUR expectations well your a man in your own world. Is like saying that your books are fiction and pointless and are base on sheer fantasy of your own mind. Which I can't say as I have not read them and have no reason to read them ever. Even if they were given to me. I have no interest, but that's just me. But I won't say that because it's not true just because I don't like them don't mean I will go out and bag you or your books. Not a cool thing to do. When it comes to pointers or advise on models even though they are uninvited is one thing. But to bag on movies, or people because of your personal feelings about them is not really a place for that here. And as your just another modeler like everyone else. Your nothing special, really your not. Just one who believes he is above the rest. You just need to stop doing that.

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    Peter Hausamann said 5 years, 6 months ago:

    Not to worry Louis. My comment was written with tongue in cheek, and as a hint to calm down.
    It can be difficult to let go of long term investments, even if they are bad ones.