The Bridges of Toko-Ri, Lieutenant Brubaker’s Panther jet, Revell F9F

Started by Louis Gardner · 133 · 4 years ago
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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    I saw this new group Build, and found something in the stash that should work. Brilliant idea David !

    I hope the decals will be OK... They are quite old, almost as old as me. Well, not really. Not even close.

    I'll do some back ground research, to determine which variant of the Panther jet he flew. I have several Trumpeter kits that I may have to substitute in place of the Revell dash 5, if it's not correct...

    Please stay tuned. As per my usual sign off,

    "Comments are Encouraged".

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    gary sausmikat said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Hey Louis, That's a great movie option! Love the simplistic lines of those early jets, especially the Panther. And I love the flying scenes in that movie...some of the best. Every time I watch it, I'm always thinking "Brubaker and Fourney are going to make it this time" they're going to get out of that ditch! Gasp! No, not again... Oh well maybe next time. Good luck with the build...I'm looking forward to seeing the progress and results.

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    Robert Royes said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Great choice, I believe it was the -5 that he flew. One of the few war pics where the hero's die in the end.

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    david leigh-smith said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    I have the sense this Panther is going to be a very popular choice, it’s really tapping into something already!

    Knockin’ it out the park, Gardner.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    One of the movies that first came to mind was the Bridges over Toko- Ri. Good choice and you will have the lead on this one Louis. I'm leaning towards an F-14A and a Zero from Final Countdown. And maybe some armor from Kelly's Heroes. Still up in the air. I already had an F-14 on the build list for next year.

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    david leigh-smith said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Oh, yes. Final Countdown. Sci-fi, carriers, F14’s, and TIME TRAVEL. I’m in heaven.


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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    I'm bummed! I've NEVER SEEN THIS MOVIE! Guess what I'll have to find & watch ...

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    Jeff Bailey said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Problem solved. I just bought the DVD from Amaze-On Smile for less that $6 delivered to my door the day after tomorrow! TaDa!

    (Ain't technology grand!?)

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    James B Robinson said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Louis, I do believe you have found a good one! This as I said before is going to be EPIC!

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Hey there gentlemen. Thanks for the warm welcome with this one.

    I wanted to build a Panther jet back during the Year of the Cat GB. I just never got around to getting it done.

    Hopefully this will change this time. I have to finish up a few Spitfires and then I'll get cranking on this one.

    Time permitting and as I can sneak a little time into this build, I will post up some in progress photos.

    Thanks again everyone and I hope you're not disappointed with how the Panther turns out.

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Jeff, my fellow DAT brother...

    I'm sure you will enjoy this movie. It has some of the best air to air scenes filmed. It ranks right up there with other movies like "The Great Waldo Pepper" in my opinion...

    Yes, technology is fantastic... when it works as it should.

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    Stephen W Towle said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    I recall seeing someone do Mikey Rooney's helo and they included a little figure with a green top hat. The figure being very small which was a accurate representation. Also, when Rooney did the movie his career was in the toilet as they say and he was warned about the plot line having the anti-hero getting bumped off...which would be the kiss of death for anyone with a movie career. I think he quipped that he didn't have one... so movie history was made. William Holden had a career and did the to kiss Grace Kelly too. Lucky he be.

    I think "Easy Rider" was the next anti hero movie ... Henry Fonda, Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper in the search of modeling freedom.

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    Craig Abrahamson said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    You'd never SEEN it, Jeff ? I'm aghast, sir - a pox on you I say. Open it immediately upon receipt and watch it (twice). 🙂

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    Rick Wilkes said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    I believe that Holden said he wouldn’t do the movie if they changed the ending. Great film.

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    Jaime Carreon said 6 years, 5 months ago:

    Great minds must think alike, Louis, because I have this same kit on the bench right now, though I'm undecided as to what markings it will be in. The Panthers in the movie belong to VF-192, "The World Famous Golden "Dragons", who are still active today as VFA-192 flying FA-18's. Oddly enough, the squadron didn't fly Panthers in Korea, they did their combat tours in F4U-4 Corsairs and didn't transition to Panthers until late 1953. In the book, the jets are Banshees.

    I'll be following this one! Great subject for a build David!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.