A Caesar with a grin

Started by Erik Gjørup · 76 · 2 months ago · 1/48, 109werke, airbum, AMG, Bf 109, Bf109, bf109c, caesar, Haldværk, Luftwaffe, LW GB, Messerschmitt, quarterscale
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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Messerschmitt Bf109C-1, 1937

    I know. This one has been done before by others.

    But you know what – it is not in my cabinet yet, and that is sufficient reason to use it as an excuse to hop into Louis’ LW GB

    The finished plane will be the one with a grin. Rather appropriate as the C has been the subject of such a lot of debate regarding its use, equipment and the number built. I shall leave that to you all to check up on and make your own decisions. Suffice it to be said that externally I have not found any differencies between the C and the D!

    Now, this one has actually been started many moons ago, around December 2020, and to check up on it thus far, go check my 109 werke topic here:

    Just to revisit; it was one of three AMG 109C/D’s that were started, so lets have them all

    And a check on the cockpit on this particular fellow

    Well this morning very early, I added some pipe to the engine cowls to simulate the fairings for the MG’s

    Some may remember the fuselage sides were thinned down several places to make the openings a bit more realistic

    The basic paint has been brushpainted

    The right fuselage has been finished on the outside, this side still needs a lot of work to open the vents and such

    next up – well, Most likely some cockpit, fuselage, gunthrough work gets finished – we shall see

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    Walt said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Good choice and good work so far! I prefer the early 109's over the later versions. I would love to do this one my self. I also love the markings, and will pick the as scheme where I can use the Raven with an Umbrella decal, I just really like it for some reason. I am sure your build will be excellent...and know matter how many of this or any version have been built, can you really ever have too many 109's?

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    I have always thought the early 109s were very cool-looking, so I am looking forward to you applying the "Erik method" to this model.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    What an amazing re-entry, my friend @airbum!
    Looking forward to see your progress, 109-man!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 8 months ago:

    Great to see this one again, Erik @airbum
    Looking forward to the grin on this 109.

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    Thank you for all the positive vibes gentlemen!
    Walt B, too many 109’s? – Never @luftwaffe-birdman
    George, I shall try my best not to disappoint you @gblair
    Spiros, sadly progress is a bit limited these days @fiveten
    John, lets get this one smiling @johnb.

    Progress on cockpit and fuselage

    I have managed to install some PE and carve some holes the last few weeks

    I have bought a new tool – a greasepen!

    It is simply a pen able to write on glass, but equally suited to hold small pieces of photoetch and place them while the glue sets. Perfect tool for the job!

    The fuselage halfs are close to finished on the insides – some more detailpainting and a panel then it is time to close it up

    Brush painted with some of the last drops of Model Master acrylics I have left

    And the vents need some minor work, then they are ready too

    It does look rather messy up close like this – to the naked eye it looks a lot better I have to say

    next up perhaps one last look before closing and then some work on the cowlings and such

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    Great progress on these tiny elements, Erik @airbum
    Love the idea with the grease pen.

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    George R Blair Jr said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    Cockpit looks great, Erik (@airbum). Like you, I am always amazed at how the photos seem to zoom in on stuff that I hadn't seen with my eyes.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    Looking amazing, my friend @airbum!
    Nice trick with that pen!

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    Nice tip on the photo etch Erik, didn't tighten the harness as I almost fell out as I watch you loop this 109. Will make sure to stay strapped in so I can see how this early teeth baring 109 turns out with your techniques and style of building, taking notes...

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    Erik Gjørup said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    John, I think I saw some major kit-stuff supplier markes these as a PE locator tool (and charged at least the double), so it was just to pop down to the nearest art-supply store to get one @johnb.
    George, one day I may learn not to soom in close, but it ups the bar a notch @gblair.
    Thanx Spiros. Indeed a nice tool @fiveten
    Chuck, do buckle up, it’s the law. Easier to take notes that way too @uscusn
    Now, just a few pictures to show a tiny bit of progress

    Fuselage assembled

    Even though my attention has been spread, I did manage to assemble the fuselage today

    I used Revell Contacta to assemble the lot, as the fit is not fantastic. The longer open time gave me plenty of time to fool around

    If I do not zoom in too far it actually looks acceptable I think.

    now this will be set aside to cure so as usual it may take some time before the next update – stay tuned!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    From the pictures it looks very acceptable, Erik.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    Looks great, my friend @airbum!

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    Louis Gardner said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    Erik, @airbum
    Every time I read one of your postings going over information on things found in, on, or about the various 109's, I always learn something new. You are like the 109 "Guru" and should I ever have any questions about the plane, I definitely know who to ask... 🙂

    You model building work as displayed here matches your extensive 109 knowledge database. It is exemplary... as per your usual.

    Things that immediately caught my eye were the markings applied to the trim wheels, and the bright knobs on the left side of the cockpit... possibly the mixture or prop controls ?

    Also the blue regulator valve ? on top of the oxygen generating unit on the right hand side of the cockpit also looks very nice.

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    gary sausmikat said 3 years, 7 months ago:

    Great work on the details. Looking great!