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"The response to my group build has been staggering." @dlee
Looking great, Reinhard @grimreaper
started with the decals
prop painted
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Decals look good on, my friend @grimreaper!
Looks really good, Reinhard @grimreaper
some more decal progress
Nice progress, my friend @grimreaper!
Decalling progresses nicely, Reinhard @grimreaper May I ask how you created the edge of the sandcolor, is it freehanded.
decals done
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Decals look nice on, my friend @grimreaper!
Decals look great, Reinhard @grimreaper
oil wash done
4 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Your oil wash brought out all engraved details in an exquisite way, my friend @grimreaper!
The wash makes everything stand out real nice, Reinhard @grimreaper
landing gear done
Great to see her standing up, Reinhard @grimreaper