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So, my dad started the last Hasegawa 109 in our stash. Gonna do a Regensburg built machine using decals from the Eduard kit.
Eduard PE seatbelts used, battery cover from Eduard
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Looks like your dad is off to a good start here Reinhard.
Great start on this Gustav, Reinhard @grimreaper Nice chosen scheme.
Looks great. It’s easy to forget how nice those Hasegawa 109s are in 2022.
Another super entry, my friend @grimreaper! Love the chosen scheme!
airframe built up
sprayed some primer on and painted the fuselage band
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Looking great, my friend @grimreaper!
Nice work, Reinhard @grimreaper The fuselage band looks spot on.
Mr Paint RLM76 sprayed on, Aluminium paint under the masks
brake lines done with plastic rods and lead wire
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Nice painting and great gear leg detailing, my friend @grimreaper!
Great progress, Reinhard @grimreaper Break lines do look very nice.
workin on the upper camo with MRP RLM74 and 75
Very nice result on the mottling, Reinhard @grimreaper
Great painting skills, my friend @grimreaper!
camo almost done, still have to apply the wave pattern on the wing leading edges