Fw 190 universal wings

Started by capt. R · 7 · 3 years ago
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    capt. R said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    Welcome friends. I have a question about the universal wing on the Fw-190 plane. Could any of you explain, or could you provide any page where I could find out about the differences in the wing on the different versions of this aircraft?

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    Michael Ezat said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    Lis , as you may see , the wings of the Fw 190 (A-F-G-D and Ta 152) is a long story with many versions .

    Basically are the same wing with many small or big differences , depenting of the version you are building (versions are indicated as R or U eg Fw 190A-6 for a basic version and Fw 190A-6/U-2 or /U-11 for the anti-tank version) .

    Things get even more complicated when you start to calculate the differences in the fuselage and especially in the tail (small-large, metal-wooden) or finally if it is a recycled airplane with unusual wing-fuselage-tail compilation (Frankenplanes) .

    23 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    capt. R said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    @faraomike Thank YouI I will try match Airfix version to Josef Priller's Ritta with little modifications:



    Both sets of weapons will differ, for example, with the MG17 and MG131 rifles and the types of cannons. As already noted, the Ritta plane did not have a pair of MG 151 cannons (were they dismantled?).

    I would like to add that most of the available Fw-190 A-8 models have external cannon covers as a wing cast, so the liquidation will be combined with hours of grinding and puttying. Airfix is ​​the only one that does this as a separate part so I don't need to cut it off.

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    The Eduard A-7/8 doesn’t not have the protruding bump hatch molded, so its a fine choice for Prillers machine

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    capt. R said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    I checked some eduard kits. Version with universal wings has covers:
    But with standard wings not:
    Did you mean this kit?

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    Sorry, but I was referring to their newer 1/48 scale, didn’t realize you were thinking about 1/72 scale options...those I know nothing

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    capt. R said 3 years, 6 months ago:

    @holzhamer 🙁 Yes I only build in 1:72 scale.