He-51B-1 of JG 135 - 1/48 Roden

Started by Tom Cleaver · 3 · 2 years ago
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    Tom Cleaver said 2 years, 12 months ago:

    Another kit from Kyiv, the bleeding edge of scale modeling, that we won't be seeing more of in the foreseeable future.

    Roden's He-51 is the best kit of the airplane that is the exception to the rule that "if it looks good it is good." This is done with the Aeromaster "Birth of the Luftwaffe Part 2" sheet that Aeromaster released in cooperation with the publication of Eric Mombeek's Luftwaffe Colors series, in this case Vol. 1, Birth of the Jagdwaffe. The sheet was picked up from The Rare Kit Detective.

    This airplane was with JG 135 in the fall of 1937. They were the last Jagdgruppe to keep the old markings system.

    I found a neat trick to deal with the exhausts: cut off the backing, so you can install them after painting. It worked very easily.

    Still needs to be rigged.

    Slava Ukraini!

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 12 months ago:

    Amazing result, my friend @tcinla!
    Feeling so sad for all that is happening in Ukraine and this includes all our modeling stuff.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 12 months ago:

    Even without the rigging, the result is already perfect, Tom @tcinla
    The entire situation in Ukraine is indeed dramatic for everybody.