The Flak guns were installed on top of the concrete tower but the walkways around them were wood.
For anyone here having tried to mimic wood appearance in models, the fine texture of it is really a challenge, as you will agree. There are decals with wooden appearance or painting techniques involving acrylics or oils. I just thought that the best wat to mimic wood would be ...
Wood, yes.
Here is how I did it: I took a cardboard 1mm base and drew the outline of the platform on it. I then cut 3mm balsa 1mm strips and gradually glued them onto the cardboard. Every time a section is completed, I leave it to set under some weight.
And here is the fine structure in close-up:
Looks good. When this has gone full circle, I will cover it in dullcote and sand fine. This will be the natural look, I won't apply any paint on it. I counted 40 strips per section times 16 sections = 640 strips. That's about the part count for the kit itself...
I hope I will have some more time later today to work on the Flak.
Happy modeling, Michel.