Hasegawa 1/48th Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat, USN

Started by Chuck A. Villanueva · 55 · 1 year ago
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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    A kit I have had in the stash since the mid-90's, A perfect choice to honor Jim Sullivan. This is the Night version with the resin wing mounted pod. Will use that on another Hellcat, will build this as a standard carrier fighter.

    Lets see whats in the box. Popping the lid with the typical Hasegawa instruction fold out sheet on top.

    The instruction sheet is typical with a bit of history of the Hellcat, parts map and paint call out list with Gunze as the suggested paint manufacturer.

    The paint scheme are 3 Glossy Dk Sea Blue, late WWII and post war.

    The clear sprue is contained in a baggy along with the decals, the resin wing mounted radar pod, and the poly caps for the propeller.

    Eduards Zoom set for the cockpit.

    A separate cowl is supplied that I believe is more accurate than the one that is originally suppled within the kit. I believe there was a report that the early produced Hase Hellcats had cowls that were inaccurate in shape not by much but enough that some would rather use a resin replacement. I built a -3 in the mid 90's not aware of this until it was pointed out by a review. Still the shape is not that noticeable too me.

    The second sprue contains the fuselage halves, typical Hasegawa light grey plastic. Fine engraved panel lines, well defined which was a hallmark for Hase in late 70's into the 80's, still an excellent kit.

    The forward section of the fuselage, well defined panel lines, clean smooth plastic, this is an early production kit bought a couple of years when it was first introduced by Hasegawa based on the earlier -5 Hellcat with added parts for the Night Fighter version. There was a time this particular kit was difficult to find as I believe Hasegawa did only one run on this. Don't know if it has been re run or reboxed with different markings. In the cockpit interior, detail is ok,

    The next sprue is the upper wing panels, no option to fold them. The ailerons are moulded with the wings.

    The inner part of the wings again fine panel lines, and a great attachment point into the fuselage side. Under side some details are provided for the roof of the wheel well bay.

    The next sprue contains the lower 1piece wing center fuselage section, drop tanks, straps and fuel feed lines.

    The lower wing has the flaps moulded in place, wheel wells are deep.

    The center drop tank, including the straps which are unique to the Hellcat.

    The fuel lines and center wing insert panel.

    The next sprue contains the interior components, engine, propeller and landing gear struts.

    The Corsair is not the only plane with a large prop, the Hellcat is a good sized one as well.

    The cockpit floor has the oxygen bottle moulded in place and looks simple yet the details are well done.

    The rear bulkhead also has a separate upper armored headrest.

    The firewall and rear bank of the radial engine.

    The landing gear struts are sturdy and have an excellent mounting pin to slip into wheel bays which will keep this standing on the wheels for years to come.

    The last sprue contains the horizontal stabs, the wheels and a nice set of rockets, which I won't use but will save for a future project.

    The horizontal stabs has the elevators moulded in the neutral position, will need to cut them off to pose them drooped.

    Finally the wheels are actually nice from the kit, resin set not necessary.

    Next up is to paint the interior components US Interior Green,

    More to follow...

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    Eric Berg said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Nice to see another F6F join the herd of cats that’s coming together in this group, Chuck.

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    Louis Gardner said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Chuck A. Villanueva (@uscusn)
    This is an excellent addition to the JS group. Thanks Chuck for joining in, and even more for the admin help. I'm definitely watching for updates on this Cat. I have built up quite a few of these Hasegawa Cats over the years, and they are a wonderful fitting, highly enjoyable kit to assemble. These have just enough detail, and are not too fiddly to build. However I have not built up the night fighter version with the radome on the wing.

    I'm sure you will enjoy this one. Going from memory here, but didn't you build and post one of these a while back ?

    Thanks for starting this one. Jim would be honored I'm sure.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    This is going to be a great looking Hellcat, Chuck @uscusn
    Looking forward to it.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Amazing entry and super kit presentation, my friend @uscusn!

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    gary sausmikat said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Enjoy the build, Chuck. I'm sure you will knock it out of the park.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Thanks John, this will be my 2nd go round on the Hase Hellcat, the other one was a -3 built around the mid 90's.
    As always Spiros my friend thank you.
    Thanks Gary, these are really fun to build, not much in parts but the details are very good and builds to a nice rep of the Hellcat.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    First things first, is being a later variant of the -5, the 1/4 glass windows have been deleted on the later production models. Nice that Hasegawa have the windows easily restored with a removeable section to allow to install the glass. My scheme for this build have the 1/4 windows so I cut out the panels and now I can continue.

    Next is my usual step of pre painting the interior components while still on the sprue trees. Using Mission Models Interior Green for the interior components,

    Then Tamiya Semi Gloss Black is used to paint the engine cylinders, firewall, propeller and the instrument panel.

    Next up, assembling the cockpit.

    more to follow...

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Amazing progress, my friend @uscusn! You are turning this old fellow of a kit to a gem!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Very nice progress indeed , Chuck @uscusn.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Thanks Spiros and John, this kit with a minimal of parts are well detailed without the over engineering of more modern kits of the Hellcat. Time to get this together.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Step 1 as typical Hasegawa's mode operandi is starting with the cockpit.

    Starting with with the IP, remove the details wich are pretty good to pick out with pencils and fine brushes, but age has caught up, just don't have that steady hand. Eduard's PE center panel is attached.

    While the IP first bit of PE is setting, next is to work on the RH side console control panel. Again details are sanded off in areas where the PE parts will be attached.

    The PE panels are attached to the side panel and top console control panel.

    Next to work on the flight deck, floor details look good, a bit of wash and high traffic wear marks with a silver pencil to show some wear on the floor.

    The pump handle is attached to the RH side floor.

    The rear armored bulkhead and headrest plate is assembled. Then an added wheel is placed on the lower corner of the bulkhead.

    The seat frame is next and placed into the location point on the rear bulkhead.

    The pump handle is painted IG (interior Green), the grip Tamiya semi gloss black

    The center gauge cover panel is attached as well as the LH panel.

    The headrest is painted Brown and attached to the rear plate. The control stick is painted IG, grip Black and the boot cover is Brown.

    The rear bulkhead is attached to the flight deck, then the RH side console panel to set the alignment.

    Next is to add the seatbelts, Install the IP, and LH side console. Wrap up the interior portion of the build.

    More to follow

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    The cockpit looks amazing so far, my friend @uscusn! Great use of PE!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Very nice work with the PE, Chuck @uscusn
    Great detailing on the interior.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Thanks Spiros, and John, I remember not doing any up grades on the first Hase Hellcat, just decals. otherwise built straight from the box. I hope my building skills are much better than when I was building in the 90's