I am trying to get the small parts of the cockpit done while I am trying to print some seats I can use. I have gotten some things successfully printed that I am using in the cockpit, including fire extinguishers, rudder pedals and linkage, throttle quadrants, and trim wheels.
If you haven't used interior sets from Quinta and others, they are pretty cool. Basically they are resin prints on decal paper. You cut out the part you are adding, dip it in the water for a few seconds, and then add them to the cockpit. The instructions say that you should immerse them in water for only a few seconds, and they are serious. Anything longer 9 or 10 seconds and they float off the paper. They also recommend that you put a little superglue where the decals will go to help hold them in place, but I prefer to use something like Gator Glue. It holds very well and gives you a little time to position the piece. The Quinta set I am using is for a T-6G, so the front panel is a little different than in a T-6C. I had to do a little cutting and fitting with scissors to get the panel to fit, but it all worked fine.
I hope to get everything done except for the seats. I plan to try to get the seats printed tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed. Thanks for stopping in. Cheers.
5 attached images. Click to enlarge.
1. I had to cut the Quinta panel to get it to fit the instrument panel.
2. Rear panel is ready to go.
1. Left cockpit side with Quinta added.
1. I still need to add the resin throttles.
2. This is the resin trim wheel that I printed. One in front, one in back. Probably my biggest success in printing stuff for this plane, so far.
1. I don't think any of this will be visible under the floor framework, but it is there, just in case. I don't plan to do much more here.
1. These are the printed throttles. Printed 4, 2 survived clipping the supports off the knobs. Should look cool painted.