1/48 scale Trumpeter F9F-2 and F9F-3 Panther jets.

Started by Louis Gardner · 3 · 1 year ago
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    Louis Gardner said 1 year, 5 months ago:

    This is another set of planes I wanted to build for this group. I had full intentions of building these two, but life and other obligations prevented this from happening as I had planned. I'm not sure if I will fold the wings or not.

    I have some Eduard aftermarket self adhesive stuff for the Dash 2.

    Several years ago a fellow Imodeler was kind enough to send me a set of decals for a Panther jet that was flown by baseball super star Ted Williams. I'll have to do some research to see if they are correct for this variant of the Panther before I can commit to using them. I also wanted to build one up in the markings of John Glenn, who flew in Korea before becoming an astronaut.

    This is the marking instructions for the "Dash 2" version. The other box is still sealed in shrink wrapping.

    I'll be posting updates as they happen. I knew that if I didn't start a build journal for it now in the last few hours before the cut off date, that I would be kicking myself where I sit down at later for not doing so when I should have.

    As always comments are encouraged.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 5 months ago:

    A superb dual entry, my friend @lgardner!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 5 months ago:

    A nice set of Panthers, Louis @lgardner
    You might go for one with folded wings and the other not.