Hello John, @j-healy
Welcome to our growing Korean War group build. You picked an iconic tank to build. These are often under presented, but their presence in Korea was just as important as the Sherman's and the Pershing's were.
My Dad served in Korea as both a "Tanker" and in the Infantry. He told me about some of his experiences in his last few weeks of life. Some of the things he told me were exactly what you described, talking about shooting Chinese off the other tanks in his Platoon... only to ask the other tanks to shoot them off his tank a few minutes later. He told me about traversing his turret continuously in a 360 degree swing, while firing the coax MG in an effort to remove the enemy Infantry from his vehicle. The sights he described to me about what was lying on the ground around his tank, and how some bodies, (and parts of bodies) that were still on his tank on the following morning when daylight arrived were equally as horrific.
Stories like these need to be told. I'm tuned in and watching your work your magic with this one. Your Type 90 was a magnificent looking machine ! You have set a very high standard...
I remember building the old Tamiya M-60A1 kit many years ago. It had holes in the hull for an electric motor. Your work is already looking good.