Supermarine Seafire FR47 Airfix 1/48

Started by George Schembri · 34 · 4 years ago · 1/48, Airfix, FR47, Korea The Forgotten War, Seafire
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    George Schembri said 4 years, 8 months ago:

    Well here it goes...After seeing all the great topics posted, I decided that I must also do a build. Looking through some kits, I selected Airfix Kit 07106 1/48 Seafire FR46/47 - going OOB with kit decals for a Seafire FR47 from the No.800 Naval Air Sqd which operated from the HMS Triumph.

    Selection was narrowed down from a couple of other possible builds. Could have duplicated my 1/72 F-86F Sabre build from pre 1990 with the Mister Craft kit which is the same mold as Heller kit 277. Or I could have went with the ICM North Korean Air Force 1/72 duo kit TU-2/Yak-9.

    After searching on Google I found:

    "The Forgotten Cruise" - HMS Triumph and the 13th Carrier Air Group, The First Royal Navy Carrier Force in the Korean War, June- September 1950.

    During the summer of 1950 HMS Triumph was part of the 1st Aircraft Carrier Squadron, Far East Fleet, along with the carrier HMS Unicorn and the main part of this fleet, whose flagship was the famous cruiser HMS Belfast (now moored in the Pool of London) was conducting a cruise of far eastern waters. They had just left Japan en route for Hong Kong when Communist North Korean forces commenced their assault over the 38th Parallel and into South Korea on the 25th June 1950. This passage to Hong Kong should have been the first leg of HMS Triumph's passage back home to the UK in order to retire its elderly Seafires and Fireflies, but instead the fleet was immediately recalled to Japan and on the 29th June it was placed under the control of Vice Admiral C.T.Joy, the American Naval Commander in charge of operations on behalf of the United Nations in Korean waters.

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Jaime Carreon said 4 years, 8 months ago:

    Good choice, George! I did this one a while back, will be following your build.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 4 years, 8 months ago:

    You know I have this kit, great choice. Totally slipped my mind that this would've been a perfect choice for this GB. Will just sit back and watch you get at it. Thanks for sharing.

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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 8 months ago:

    George, @georgeswork
    I agree with the others, this one is a great choice.

    I also have started this kit. It was began as a part of our fairly recent "100 Years of the RAF" group build. I never finished it up though. I ran out of time... probably because I was building 8 Spitfires that eventually morphed into a total of 12. The cockpit parts on mine have been painted, and I had full intentions of folding the wings on mine. You just might even tempt me to pull this one back out and finish it up...

    Here's a link to the build(s) should you be interested.

    I hope this helps you somehow along the way.

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    Jeremy Millan said 4 years, 8 months ago:

    Great Plane! The bubble top Spitfire is my favorite, and I didn't know it flew during Korea.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 8 months ago:

    Great choice George @georgeswork!
    The Seafire is a gorgeous looking bird, it's camo looking very sporty!
    Will follow your build with great anticipation and pleasure!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 8 months ago:

    I'll be tuned in on this build, and looking forward to it too.

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    George Schembri said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Finally getting back to some building after a busy summer.

    Kinda got ahead of myself and forgot to photo the cockpit and fuselage assembly. No real surprises there, fit on this kit is very nice.

    Wasn't sure how well the extended wings would be aligned - and then I read a 2015 post from Tom Cleaver suggesting to use use a strip of sheet plastic inside the joint between inner and outer wings to help with connection and that worked out great.

    I wanted to stick to using Tamiya Acrylics and used XF-21 Sky for the under surfaces and sides. For the upper surfaces, I looked up a paint conversion chart and it gave me a couple of options depending upon which 'conversion' I went with. Using a F.S conversion, required Humbrol #123 converted to F.S.36099 which then indicated Tamiya XF-63 was the colour.

    A Humbrol conversion chart indicated Tamiya XF-58 would be the match to #123, while a Tamiya Conversion chart indicated XF-24 was a direct translation from Humbrol #123.

    I went with XF-63 and now that is on - maaayyyybbbeeee I should have went with XF-24; but either way, the slightly thinned Tamiya Paint went on very well and I cannot complain.

    Masking was done in preparation for the invasion stripes.

    Looking at the painted surfaces and looking at the sleek lines really brings out the beauty of this aircraft - The Spitfire/Seafire is one good looking airplane and this Airfix Kit has some fantastic panel lines and surface detail.

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    George Schembri said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    While braking down the box for recycling I noticed the price sticker on the box end. Original price was $32CDN back in 03/97, from Keith's Hobby Shop. From what I remember, Keith's was on Yonge Street just north of Wilson - pretty sure they are closed now 🙁
    I actually bought this kit within the last year 'used' for $15, not knowing just how good this kit was. Glad that I did!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Hi George @georgeswork!
    Glad to have you back, and what a comeback you 've made!
    Your Seafore looks amazing so far!
    I love your choice of colors, it is always good to check every reference, but final decision is how the paint actually looks! And it looks spot on!
    The Spit/Seafire looks so amazing in that scheme!
    Well done, my friend, and I can see this one proceeding steadilly!

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    Tom Cleaver said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    For an air group composed of obsolete airplanes - 800's Seafires and 827's Firefly FR.1s - these guys had a major influence on the outcome of the war. When they joined USS Valley Forge in TF 77 and struck Pyongyang on July 3, a week after outbreak of the war, they did more than damage the Norks' railroad - Stalin was going to OK direct involvement of the Red Air Force in providing air cover for the invasion, but when the carriers struck Pyongyang, he realized the US was going to be in the fight (he had OKd Kim Il Sung's plan on the basis of a speech the previous January by the US Sec State that listed US interests in the Far East in which he didn't mention S. Korea, which was taken by both Stalin and Mao to mean the US did not consider Korea a vital interest), and he canceled the planned support. Had it been otherwise, the Norks would likely have succeeded in forcible reunification. Operating in support of UN forces through the rest of July, through the dangerous month of August and the battles that finally held the Pusan Perimeter on the Naktong River, Triumph and her used-up air group finally left for home just before the Inchon invasion. By that point, none of the Seafires were operational, having all been "bent" from the heavy shipboard use.

    Here's a link to a good history for those interested:

    Just as an aside, the "D-Day stripes" weren't applied until the end of July, after an unfortunate "blue on blue" run-in with a B-29 whose gunners thought the Seafires were Yaks. For the Pyongyang strikes and the important "holding the line" period in July, no stripes.

    Good luck on it, it's a great kit. If you can get the Falcon/Squadron vacuform canopy, it's vastly superior to what's in the kit. Those decals in the early kits are pretty bad, but the recent release (2015) kit has great decals.

    Here's one I did from the 2015 release, representing the Pyongyang strikes.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    George (@georgeswork), great progress - welcome back to the bench after the busy summer.

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    Allan J Withers said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Interesting addition to the group George, good one !

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    George Schembri said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    To Spiros @fiveten: Thanks buddy, I am happy with the XF-63 choice but ill need to wait for the clear coating to see the final shade of grey.

    To Tom @tcinla: Thanks Tom, your 2015 MM post helped inspire me to choose this kit for the Korean GB. Thanks for the info on the wing assembly, worked great and the joint is pretty much flawless. I gotta admit that I am 'hoping' the decals work as expected, I do favour the 'Invasion Strips' but if things don't go well then I'll need to touch up the tail area. Fingers crossed. Also gonna go with slipper tank and single rocket - also from your 2015 post. And you are correct about the side camera fits, they were a little stressful but I did my best.

    To Erik @airbum: It's nice to start building again. Duty called this summer, helping my daughter move included painting and electrical work. Then my son wanted his bathroom upgraded and wanted help putting a patio down - and the list goes on...
    Tryin' to focus a couple of builds as the weather cools down, hoping to get into the D.H GB soon.

    To allan @kalamazoo: Thanks Al, it didn't hit me until I actually did a Google search and read the kit instructions and noticed the involvement of No.800 Naval Air Sqd.

    Here is the decal sheet I am working with -

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    George, @georgeswork
    We both have the same kit. I was working on mine as part of the 100 Years of the RAF and unfortunately I never completed it. I will be watching for updates on yours, and I'm happy to see you have started working on it again. Life does have a way of getting in the way of our hobby... It's good to see you back at it again.