Here’s a good color chart for several Soviet colors.
and a photo showing a relic that was painted in the color A-14. The relic looks to be much lighter than the color chart.
Earlier I had mixed up some Tamiya Neutral Gray XF-53 and painted the landing gear struts, inner doors, and landing gear bays using this color. To me it looked way too dark. Dmitry thought so too... so back to the drawing board.
After comparing the color spray card on the Tamiya XF-53 color next to the actual FS chip in my color book, you can see just how dark the Tamiya color is.
It’s way darker than FS 26187.
After discussing things several times with Dmitry and Chuck Villanueva, I did something a little odd.
I took colors from my paint stash, and mixed them up very well so that all of the pigments would be blended into the suspension. Then I simply brushed the colors on a paper towel.
Once the colors dried, I picked one that looked to be the closest to the color that was provided by Dmitry with his Yak model. Here you can see a good example of A-14 inside the landing gear wells of his Yak.
I chose this color. It's FS 36375 "Light Ghost Gray".
I mixed some up and sprayed the parts again... This time I was much happier. You can see the difference between the darker Tamiya color on the top wing, and the much lighter gray on the bottom wing.
I think this is very close to what the actual A-14 color could look like. I placed it next to a color card that I painted at the same time to use as a future reference for Soviet builds. The wing is sitting on the sample spray card.
Then I compared the "A-14" card to the one I sprayed out for the cockpit color which was a blue gray color. The blue gray color is on top, the A-14 below in the next two pictures. The lighting can affect how it looks a little.
The color is advertised as FS 36375, but once it dried, it was actually more like FS 36373. You can see the cards placed next to my Federal Standards color chip book.
So now I have the color problems sorted out. I couldn't have done this without the help of my two friends, Dmitry @starfar
and Chuck. @uscusn
Next step will be to assemble the front fuselage section once the cockpit details have been picked out.
Thanks again gentlemen, without your help, this would not be anywhere near as correct as it is now.
As always,
Comments are encouraged.