The end

Started by Sebastijan Videc · 4 · 2 years ago
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    Sebastijan Videc said 5 years, 2 months ago:

    As we reached 2020, the MiG (80th anniversary) Group Build is officially over.
    Thanks to everyone for participating and expect a final "reveal" article on the main page soon.
    Those who didn't finish your builds in time, can still publish them on the main page as seperate articles.

    Happy New Year and happy modelling in 2020!


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    Erik Gjørup said 5 years, 2 months ago:

    Thank you for hosting this group - it was interesting to follow, even though I did not take active part with a build I got a lot of inspiration for a few additions to the stash 🙂

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    Josh Patterson said 4 years, 11 months ago:

    Now that I've missed the group build, I've finally started the Fishbed and Mongol that I bought for it! (Also almost done with a Smer Mig -17, which for an $8 kit is quite nice!) I'm trying to get these done in two weeks but we'll see.

    I did find something odd in the box for the UM as a flap had come unglued. Who is this guy?

    My curiosity so I peeled open the other flaps and and found a lovely pile of fruit! I'm assuming Trumpeter uses the images for print alignment and color checks but the single seat box had no such images.

    5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

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    Roberto Flavio Alonzo Revollo Alarcon said 2 years, 7 months ago:

    Iteresting... I´m goin to check mi Trumpeter kits...