Arco dei Fileni, Lybia 1941/42, 1:35 Scale, Schatchbuild

Started by Michel Verschuere · 37 · 2 years ago
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    Michel Verschuere said 5 years ago:

    Thanks Robert! @roofrat Yes it kept me from other projects for 6 months and counting. I ordered some decals that should arrive in the next week so I can finish the inscriptions. The most challenging task still consists in the bas-reliefs. I hope to soon be able to start another project which, this time, will be more OOB than this one. Thanks for your support, my friend!

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    Michel Verschuere said 5 years ago:

    Soldiering on...
    For the last week I have been gradually starting the work on the bas-reliefs. This is an important part of the model for any view towards the inside of the arc reveals them in whole or in part:

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    This constitutes one of the more difficult jobs in the modelling effort on the Arc, after the sculpting and stenciling. After giving it some thought, I identified gypsum as the right substrate for this part. The real thing was cut in white marble.

    On the picture below, you can see the mold on the left that I used for the gypsum slab out of which the relief was to be cut. Though I used fine modelling gypsum, there appeared to be some air enclosures I will deal with at the end. In the right corner of the picture, you can see the slab onto which I displayed some of the cutting tools I use to scratch the bas-relief.

    This is rather painstaking work, there is a lot of scratch-scratch-scratch to do, for which I employ my modelling knife mainly. In the middle of the picture, you can see where I am at right now. I used a side-lighting so you can see the depth into the relief. I think I need some more days to finish, meanwhile I will try and apply the inscriptions, the transparent decal paper arrived just this week.

    Hope you like it!

    Happy modelling.

    1 additional image. Click to enlarge.

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    James B Robinson said 5 years ago:

    Michel, this is turning out fantastic! Great work.

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years ago:

    This is some amazing work on display here !

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    david leigh-smith said 5 years ago:

    This is a legacy build, Michel. One day soon your new son will look at this with pride, thinking, “my dad built this’.

    Beautifully engineered and crafted.

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    Michel Verschuere said 5 years ago:

    Thanks @dirtylittlefokker, @lgardner and @jamesb!

    You here is what keeps me going. Laurent looks at it but does not get it yet (at 10 monts of age, no blame of course). Gdnight!

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    Michel Verschuere said 4 years, 12 months ago:

    Almost there now. Applied the decals today on the inner- and front sides of the Arc. Transparent inktjet-printer-capable decal paper did the job. I let dry overnight and tomorrow I will apply a sealing layer of dullcote. Pics will follow then.

    Also, I managed to work one of the bas-reliefs. This is very much a detail exercise. The one bas-relief is now 85% done, it's the one in the picture of the real deal.

    I applied a slanted lighting again so you can figure out the depth.

    Hope you like it!


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    James B Robinson said 4 years, 12 months ago:

    Wow...just spectacular Michel.

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    Michel Verschuere said 4 years, 11 months ago:

    Wanted to share with you this dry fit of the 95% finished bas-relief on the North side of the Arc. I took one fish-eye pic:

    And one normal one:

    With a bit of lighting coming from one side, it looks fab!

    I will give the bas-relief a surface treatment (acrylic white primer) to protect it. I also added the inscriptions on the inside of the arc, here are some pictures of that. I will try and take the Arc outside in the next days (weather permitting) and then post some overall pictures.

    Will continue to scratch now and keep you guys posted.
    Happy modelling!

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    James B Robinson said 4 years, 11 months ago:

    This looks fantastic Michel, getting better with each post.

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    Michel Verschuere said 4 years, 11 months ago:

    Here are some more pictures for you to enjoy. The Northernmost bas-relief is now finished.

    With some back lighting, the depth really pops out. This whole projects really starts to deliver now!

    Here are some detail shots of the bas-relief and inscriptions.

    Stay tuned!
    @jamesb thanks for the support, my friend!

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    Michael E Rieth said 4 years, 11 months ago:

    This puts the scratch in scratch-building! Excellent work.

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    Michel Verschuere said 4 years, 11 months ago:

    Yesterday and today, I scratched (literally) about 5 hours. This is the state of the bas-reliefs now as I dry-fitted them.

    I am quite pleased with the result.

    Left is some minor corrections and then a surface treatment with primer such as to make them waterproof against moist air. I am happy to announce this build is nearing its end! What a journey it has been over 7 months! Never had a single project taking me this long. A lot - of course - had to do with occupations in scale 1-1 but this build also was demanding in its own right. Schulpting, stenciling and this scratch-finale, I am very glad to have pulled this one off...

    This one came in between the "at the movies" GB... @dirtylittlefokker, I owe you...

    Stay tuned, soon this one will enter the main channel!


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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 11 months ago:

    This is a fine example of what it means to scratch build something. What is especially amazing is the amount of detail that you have captured. It’s almost as if you had a time machine and went back in time when you look at this build. It’s so realistic and life like. It is very hard to distinguish that it’s not a model in some pictures.

    It’s that good ! Now icing on the cake would be a DAK Zundap motorcycle with a side car (or a SDKFZ 251 Hanomag half track accompanied with a DAK Panzer III rolling underneath the arch. Another alternative would be to include a Jeep and a M3 Grant or a Matilda rolling under from the other direction !

    Simply fantastic and amazing work here. You my friend are in another league. A distinguished league of gentlemen that includes Marc Barris. Rodney Williams also is very adept at scratch building and could be included in this elite group.

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    Michel Verschuere said 4 years, 11 months ago:

    Thanks Louis, that I take as a real honor. Let's say I had the grit to continue this build until the end. I never thought of quitting but had to find motivation at times to hold on... Now I am almost there, I can't tell you how happy I am that I can move to the next project. I feel I get the best ideas for a new project while still working on one, it's endless! As for pictures, this is the one that launched this project, I spotted it in February last year and this one got me hooked!

    Thanks for being so supportive my friend!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.