Memorial Day Tribute build to ”Jeep”, Tamiya 1/48 P-51D Mustang 360th FS, 356 FG Martlesham Heath

Started by Louis Gardner · 4 · 6 years ago
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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    This one goes out my dearly departed friend Ed Malo, and "Wild Bill Crump" both who flew over Europe during WW2.

    About a month ago, we were talking on David Leigh-Smith's "Road to Damascus" Tiger build... Somehow we got on the subject of pilots with their dogs... man's best friend.

    It reminded me of a story that my friend Ed Malo, (who was a p-47 pilot who flew from Martlesham Heath during the War), told me about a Coyote pup named "Jeep". There was a fellow American pilot there at Martlesham Heath (that my friend Ed knew personally) named John William Crump, who managed to raise the coyote from when it was only two weeks old. He even managed to sneak the pup across the Atlantic in his gas mask bag.

    Here's a photo of "Wild Bill" and his beloved Coyote pup "Jeep".

    Jeep regularly flew with Lieutenant (later Captain) Crump, and even flew combat missions on occasion !

    Sadly Jeep was accidentally killed when he was ran over by a US military Jeep at Martlesham Heath. He received a full military burial and his remains are still there, commemorated with a small plaque.

    This is a true story and I'm not making it up ...
    There will be more about this whole story when the model is completed during the reveal.

    I'll be starting with this kit...

    and I was very lucky to find these decals... Thanks go to Jeff Baily for encouraging me to look for some... 🙂

    Here's a close up of the decals where you can see the portrait of "Jeep" inside the blue circle...

    and the rest of the planes on the sheet.

    I will be starting this build when I finish up a few others that are currently on the work bench.
    Hopefully it will not be too long... as I have been wanting to build up a Tamiya Mustang. Believe it or not, I have yet to build one. I have several of the Accurate Miniatures Mustangs done, (and a few Monogram kits too), but no Tamiya or "new" Airfix kits as of yet. But that will soon change.

    I wanted to get this build journal started since today is Memorial Day here in the US.

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    Craig Abrahamson said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    If I'm not mistaken, that kit includes the pilot figure with his left arm propped over the canopy rail - one of the better pilot figures worth using.

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    Louis Gardner said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    I'll check it out to see what pilot comes with the kit and let you know.

    This story struck a nerve with me since I have had a dog as a pet for many years.

    Here's my current pup.

    She's not really a pup and is actually going on 11 years old now, (but I raised her from a pup).

    When I was a kid, I had a black Labrador Retriever (also raised from a pup), that I taught to ride with me on my dirt bike motorcycle... 🙂

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    Jaime Carreon said 6 years, 9 months ago:

    Great choice, Louis, and even in one of my favorite 8th AF group markings. Thanks for joining in!