About this Group

Since man has been associated with machines, he has sought to personalize them to reflect his interests, his philosophies and the fact that he just misses his girl back home. Welcome to the Nose Art Group Build.

Here are the rules of engagement:

  1. New build, please. Can be any scale, any era, any nation. Civilian or military. Aircraft, automotive, armor or naval subjects can be modeled. An in progress model will be considered a new build, as long as it isn't already finished.

  2. Must be a subject that actually existed or currently exists. No what-ifs for this one. If you have one, please include a photo of your subject with the model.

  3. Can include the following - pinup type nose art, commemorative squadron or group markings as long as there is some type of artwork involved, special airline liveries with artwork, automotive or racing color schemes with artwork, squadron markings where that marking is predominant (ie skull nose or Aleutian Tiger P-40's), aerobatic teams or graphic type schemes that cover the majority of the subject (ie B-24 assembly ships). Artwork can include pinups, cartoon characters, animals etc. The more colorful, the better.

  4. You can use as much or as little aftermarket accessories or decals as you would like. Remember that the scheme or artwork should be the star of this show. You can build as many or as few models as you'd like. Dioramas would great as well. Feel free to post in progress pics to the group, and please post the finished model in the headline section when it is completed. I'm not going to wait until the end of the build for that, so you can post as you go. I would like for everyone to send me their favorite photo of their build so I can compile an album at the end of the build period to post on the site so everyone can see all the entries.

  5. The build will begin March 1, 2018 and end October 30, 2018. Hopefully that will avoid all the year end holidays, but this can be extended if there is enough call for it.

If you have any other suggestions or ideas, feel free to contact me. This one is all about fun, so get the glue and paint out and get on with it!

Hosted by
Group admin:
Moderator(s): (none assigned)
Group type: Public Group
Total participants: 61
Most recent activity in the group: 2 years, 1 month ago
Group activity timeline