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Apologies for posting this as an article. My father flew with this unit in Greece at this time and I was intrigued by the colour scheme. TC has indicated it is correct. Does anyone know if there are 32 sq decals anywhere? They are easy to make up from sets except the famous hunting horn logo.
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Found this Greek decal company that seems to do a decal sheet for "Greek" Spitfires and contains the hunting horn, my fiend @ross4. Her is the link:
Thanks very much I'll have a "hunt"!
There is a 32 Squadron markings on Xtradecal sheet 48-127 for Spitfire XIV/XVIII, and it includes the hunting horn.
Thanks all
Hallo Ross, your subject is so interesting. Some news about the decals or some photos of your work?