Grex Tritium TG3 airbrush-anyone use one?

Started by Gary Brantley · 5 · 2 years ago · Grex, pistol grip trigger
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    Gary Brantley said 2 years, 9 months ago:

    Does anyone have any experience with one of these airbrushes? I've painted every one of my models with a Paasche Model H, a single-action airbrush whose design dates back to the 1930s. I have several double-action ABs, including an almost new SOTAR 2020, but with nerve damage in both hands, manipulating that double-action "button" trigger is pretty tough for me. I've been considering a double-action AB with a pistol-style grip and trigger, thinking it would be easier for me to use. I'm looking for some opinions before I make the rather pricey buy. Thanks for any help or suggestions my friends!

    Here's a look at one from Amazon:

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 2 years, 9 months ago:

    Never new such a dual action version existed, my friend @garybrantley! Truth is that if you do not try it yourself, you will never know. But I checked a bit at the net and this type is supposed to offer "easier" grip and prevent finger fatigue. The painting results are as good as the ones you get by using "normal" dual action ABs. I risk to say that the way it is held will have good chances to suit your particular needs. I found a video which might be helpful:

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 9 months ago:

    That looks like a very practical approach and is likely suited to your needs, Gary @garybrantley
    You might sent the company a mail, asking if there is a supplier nearby where you can try it out.

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    Gary Brantley said 2 years, 9 months ago:

    @fiveten and @johnb, thanks for your input my friends! I think I could have more "control" over the trigger with this style of AB. Spiros, thanks for that video, and John, that is an excellent suggestion sir! I appreciate you guys replying to my question! 🙂

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    John vd Biggelaar said 2 years, 9 months ago:

    @garybrantley, you're welcome Gary. Please keep us updated on your decision and your experience if you decide to buy one.