Great photos Erik @airbum, thanks! I don´t want to make a very dirty plane, since it seems that the SAS Neos are quite clean. I have seen some of the usual pattern on the belly and those streaks at the windshield/door areas. Otherwise these are still very new planes, and barely used in the last one and a half years.
I am thinking about painting the vertical stabilizer and the winglets blue instead of using the large blue decals from LN decals. Zvezda provided the white lettering, but of course this provides the next challenge - what were the actual colors of the previous SAS livery?
The answer is easy, Google is our friend.
The actual blue color is Pantone 2738 C, a deep blue-magenta color, similar to the classic ultramarine blue pigment used by artists. Unfortunately no scale model paint manufacturer makes exactly this shade. Online sources and build instructions will give you very different recommendations, for example Tamiya XF-8, Tamiya XF-14, Revell 51, Revell 54. All of these are quite different blue colors. My plan is to refill my Tamiya and Vallejo range with a few basic colors anyway. I will try to find similar blues to the ultramarine shade, and then try to mix it myself based on those deep blue paints. If I can´t find the proper shade, I can still use the decals at the end.
The fuselage gray was Pantone 9083 C. The easiest way to get a proper shade is to buy XtraColor X338 SAS Grey (I got one of these for my abandoned A340 project). However, it can be tricky or expensive to buy this in the EU after Brexit, and of course here are also other options. One of them Revell 371, it is close enough to the actual color according to many modelers. Other popular option is Model Master Canadian Voodoo Gray plus Insignia White mixed at a ratio of around 2:3 (more white than gray) .
The engine red was Pantone 179 C. It is actually a tricky color, many modeler call it SAS orange, not red. It is indeed red by definition , but a very light one.
Again, the easiest option is Xtracolor X339 SAS Red (luckily I bought this one as well for that A340 project). It seems that there is no commonly recommended paint alternative to this. I would try to mix my own based on a light red color.