Thanks Spiros (@fiveten), George (@gblair), John (@johnb), and Colin (@coling). It's been a fun project for the most part.
I am now starting the painting process. After doing the cowling area vents I needed to do bomb racks. The real aircraft has these fragmentation bombs (20 pound bombs) handing on simple shackles as best I can tell from photos. But at the size of these bombs and the supporting shackles, I knew that I would never be able to properly do them. So I opted instead to make some small racks which will hold the bombs. Call it artistic license, I suppose.
The next step before painting was to test the decals because if they were a problem, then I wanted the option to paint the markings. Well I tested one of the roundels from the ASK decal sheet I had. They felt somewhat thick, but not too bad. Using Micro Set and Micro Sol, I did the usual routine with decals, but they were not settling into the detail on the test mule. I tried rolling a cotton bud on them and repeating the Micro Sol, but still no luck. So I took out the heavy guns and used Solvaset. The decals just laughed at me and said "Bring it on!"
Okay, so I am going to paint the markings. I scanned the decals into my Silhouette Studio software and prepared to cut the masks. The markings on this model are fairly simple so this wasn't too much trouble. I tried finding a font to use in the software for the serial number on the fuselage sides, but no luck there either unless I wanted to spend a bunch of tie modifying the existing letters and numbers to match the decals. I'll use the decals for these but everything else will be painted.
Next, I painted the main landing gear wells with yellow green.
I masked the wheel wells, the engine, the cockpit, and the landing light and applied MrSurfacer 1500 Grey primer. For the painted markings, I sprayed those areas with AK Real Color Insignia White. I intend to paint the markings first, then do all the main painting. This eliminates any risk of white outlines showing.
The aircraft also has yellow wingtips and outboard leading edges so these areas were painted with Tamiya Flat White as an undercoat. Once the yellow is applied, I will mask them off. This will also be done before the main painting. The same thing was done for the fuselage stripe near the tail, which is Sky color. Only after doing all of these will I start on the actual main aircraft colors. I'll post pictures as I go. I used this same process on my A-20 build and it worked great.