Spitfires with American Stars, Mustangs with RAF roundels, Mirages with Star of Davids -Machines of air, sea and land that were made in served in one country but also served in others. Any scale and for any subject
Excellent job on using the B-17 cowling on the Hobbycraft kit, my friend @clipper! The Clear Prop kit looks very nice! Good idea to work on multiple kits!
Hi Carl (@clipper): The Clear Prop kit is really nice. The Wolfpack kit is a rebox of the Academy/Hobbycraft kit, so it is probably the same as you already have. I now tend to check Scalemates before I buy a […]
I've wanted to do a Curtiss Mohawk build for a number of years. The only Mohawk kit in 1/48 scale that I know of is the Academy/ Hobbycraft RAF Mohawk which is not suitable because of a very inaccurate cowling. I […]
It always feels kind of weird cutting up these plastic figures to reposition them. I keep looking over my shoulder expecting someone to haul me off for mutilating a body! 🙂
Thanks my friend @clipper! He was taken from an Academy F-86 and had to perform some surgery on him, especially repositioning his left hand to look like he grabs the throttle.