Curtiss Mohawk In RAF service

Started by Carl Smoot · 280 · 1 month ago
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    John Healy said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    This is looking really great, Carl. One possible explanation for the color discrepancies is that the aircraft may have been painted in the DG/OG over MSG Day Fighter scheme in the UK. Spitfires and Hurricanes were delivered like this starting in 1941. P-47s were delivered in the same colors initially, too. Upon arrival in India, standard practice was to overspray the Ocean Grey with Dark Earth. SEAC maintained this practice until late in the war when we know some Spitfire XIVs were left in the Day Fighter scheme. Later Thunderbolt IIs were delivered in bare metal. I’m not convinced Hurricanes were ever left in Day Fighter colors in Southeast Asia. I think the most likely colors for your plane are Dark Green/Dark Earth over Medium Sea Grey.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Painting progresses nicely, my friend @clipper!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Progressing nicely on the paintwork, Carl @clipper
    The blue shade is a perfect match.

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    Carl Smoot said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Thanks John (@j-healy), Spiros (@fiveten), and John (@johnb).

    Yeah, I keep going back and forth on these colors. I am going to have to decide today however because it's nearly time to put those colors down. I really am partial to the Dark Green and Ocean Gray colors, mainly from an aesthetic point of view and because I already have my Hawk 75 (completed in 2022) in a Dark Earth /Dark Green color. So the DG/OG color would be a nice variety.

    But everything I am seeing (except the ASK Decal profile and a really old profile from somewhere else) seems to indicate the older Dark Earth and Dark Green camo. I suppose, since this is a model after all, and will never be entered in any contest, and is intended to be built to satisfy my hobby interest, that I will go with the Gray and Green camouflage.

    Hard choice, because photos of that color scheme will be posted here (and by definition on the Internet), meaning that sooner or later someone will see it and question my choices if they do not see my rationale. If only I had a time machine!

    What do you guys think?

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    You should do as you please, Carl @clipper
    You are the one who will be looking at your model the most.
    I think if you go for the Gray Green camouflage it will look perfect in the end.

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    John Healy said 1 month, 4 weeks ago:

    Go for the gray/green if you like it. The plane likely wore those colors on arrival in theater anyways.

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    Carl Smoot said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Thanks for the feedback John (@johnb) and John (@j-healy). I have decided to go with the gray and green because I do prefer it to the other, at least for this build. One thing I have not done yet is to match my paints to the correct green and gray. I am going to do that tomorrow. I hope what I have is close, but if not, I guess I can mix the colors.

    Today was about getting the blue markings masked off , primer touched up (to even out the colors again), and then application of the bottom medium gray color. So far , except for the minor seam setback a couple of days ago, it's been going swimmingly.

    For this build, I am going to use Flory Wash for the first time, so I did not do black basing. On the upper surface, I will be doing some highlighting to simulate faded paint. The wash will be a sludge wash applied over a satin clear varnish. Again, a first for me (the sludge wash I mean). We'll see how it comes out.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Looking good, Carl (@clipper). The bottom is an interesting color. I'm with you: I really like the gray/green camo. Lots of possibilities for some weathering.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    I also vote for the gray/green shades, my friend @clipper. Looks really great so far!

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    Carl Smoot said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Okay, gray and green it is going to be. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I got the bottom side masked off and after futzing around trying to mix the gray color, I finally settled on what I have here in the photo. It's close to the color chip I have. I have free-handed the gray part. When I get ready to do the green part, I will first lay down blue tack worms to define the final pattern and then spray that color.

    For today's color, after spraying the base color, I did three additional spraying sessions using progressively lighter shades and finer spot painting. The paint was also thinned quite a bit, around 80% thinner. Low air pressure and slowly add the effect. The photo doesn't show it as well and there is a weird shadow on the wing from the flash and the canopy, but in person, it looks okay. I'll probably do the green tomorrow as I have other things to do for the rest of today.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Some impressive paint session, Carl @clipper
    The shading looks pretty good to me.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Excellent painting results so far, my friend @clipper!

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Really nice airbrush work, Carl (@clipper). I also spent the day today working with airbrush and paint. What pressure to you use for the really thin paint?

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    Carl Smoot said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Thanks John (@johnb), Spiros (@fiveten), and George (@gblair).

    I have my pressure regulator set to 20 PSI, but I have a valve on the line in port on the airbrush which I turn down all the way, then start opening it up until I get a properly atomized spray. If I had to guess, I would say it's somewhere between 8 and 12 PSI. I also remove the needle guard and get very close and then I am very light on the trigger. I'm still trying to perfect this.

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    George R Blair Jr said 1 month, 3 weeks ago:

    Hi Carl (@clipper): Great idea to put an inline valve to further regulate the pressure. I have often bemoaned the inaccuracy of the gauge and the difficulty in making fine adjustments using the compressor, but it never occurred to me to add an inline valve. I need to give that a try. I usually use something around 10-15 psi for diluted mixes. I am still using an ancient Paasche single-action airbrush, so no worries about a needle guard.