1/48 A-36 Mustang!

Started by Andrew H · 23 · 5 years ago · Accurate Miniatures, Apache, Invader, Italeri, Mustang
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    Andrew H said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    So, the internet made me do it... I'll be entering this group build a little late, with a kit that I just acquired from the hobby shop this weekend. I had no intent to buy anything but supplies, but I saw this nice kit sitting on the shelf "smiling" back at me. I've always wanted to do up an AM Invader and even more so having just completed Tamiya's excellent P-51B. That, the group build, and the fact that my daughter always wants me to build a "shark" plane just seemed like the perfect excuse to build this simple kit up with the time remaining.

    I was originally considering doing up a 1/72 Sundowners Phantom from Revell, but the decals were in no condition to use, also that's not my ideal scale.. and the kit is flashy, has severely soft details and would just be more work then it'd be worth. Next consideration was a Ryan XFR2-1 Dark Shark that is begging to get a set of chompers. Being a one off kit, I just can't keep motivated with the extra massaging needed in order to finish it up in time for this group build to complete.

    So, back to the A-36... This will be a simple build by the looks of it, and will be done up out of the box, using the Italeri decals (despite how much I like the "Herschel" build up, perhaps another time).

    More to come!

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    Andrew H said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    First update, got cracking on this kit today. Quite simple and fairly straight forward, only 8 steps. Decently engineered kit, gives good quality with low part count.

    Upon inspecting the sprues, the parts are cleanly molded, but there are a few problems with the larger components. Namely, warpage. This should easily be cured with some glue (normal course of action), however I'm thinking a quick blast from a low power heat gun may help relieve any stress in the components... Any experience in this matter?

    The other more minor issue is sink marks on the cowling, and on the lower fuselage. A bit of Tamiya putty will level them off.

    Tomorrow, will be painting interior of fuselage, cockpit components. I'll be test fitting spare canopies from my P-51B which may allow me to model this pit open, the original kit doesn't have this option. If that's the case, I'll spend a bit more time detailing the interior. Regardless I plan on adding a set of Eduard belts to dress the throne up a bit.

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    Tom Bebout said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Andrew I've build two A-36's and they went together well and one was posted here on iModeler. The kit is the old Accurate Miniatures molds and I didn't have the warp-age you apparently experience. I would caution you about using a heat gun as I've had nothing but disaster using them. Hot water seems to work the best for me. For a better fit glue the front cowl to the fuselage before closing the halves together and you'll experience less gaps. Have fun

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    Andrew H said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Thanks Tom, water was my throwback option, I'll give it a try.

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    Andrew H said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Interior is 80% complete from a painting and detailing perspective. The IP still needs decaled.

    Beyond that, the only other open item here is to add the Eduard belts. Still haven't test fit the Tamiya canopy either, but that will come once the fuselage is closed up.

    Pieces requiring metallic finishes have been prepped and base coat sprayed as well.

    Also managed to detail up the wheel wells. I did framing in a slightly modified hue of Testors yellow zinc chomate, and brush painted the underwing panels in a shade of Vallejo Aluminum. Looking back, I should have done this in the opposite order, but I am still happy with the results.

    Inner doors have been installed up, mainly because the flaps are up.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Andrew, welcome aboard the Group Build! To be honest I didn’t knew Italeri had this AM repop in the market, but the quality expected of the AM moulds plus the usually good decals offered in the box, make this a very appealing subject. Great choice, the A-36 with fangs should look spectacular. Good start on that cockpit btw!

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    Andrew H said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Much progress has been made in the past few days. This kit is a very simple build, however it hasn't been without a few fit issues.

    The engine cowling halves were assembled prior to being installed to the rest of the fuselage. This presented no issues, as I ensured that the fuselage was connected to the wings at the right width. However, the fit between the fuselage and the wings left something to be desired. I did my best to fill and file, but the right thing to do would have been more extensive test fitting prior to final assembly.

    Anywho, all the auxilery parts are painted, and ready for install. Canopy parts were dipped tonight, and will be masked once they dry. I will install front windscreen, rear windows and a spare Malcom hood for painting.

    Next will be primary paint. I plan on using MM Acrylic OD and Neutral Grey. Insignia red used for the prop spinner. I did thin the prop down a bit, as it was toy like in proportions, with nearly squared of leading/trailing edges.

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Tom Bebout said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Looking good Andrew, despite not a lot parts the old AM series of P-51's have some really decent detail in the cockpit as well as exterior. If the Tamiya canopy doesn't work out you can always cut the kit's canopy. It can be done.

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    Andrew H said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Thanks Tom!

    From the looks of it, the Tamiya open center sections will fit, however the kit windscreen will need to be used, due to the differences in shape of fuselage along the lower edge. Time will ultimately tell.

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    Andrew H said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Small update!

    Most of the fittings are awaiting mounting. Main gear is painted, and doors just need exteriors painted. Prop is awaiting decals, and guns just need mounted.

    The big news is the a/c has been primed and painted. I was going to preshade, but decided I'd postshade with thinned and lighted tonal variations, then rely on oil wash to darken up certain features. This has worked well for me on previous builds, so why change?

    Color was MM OD, darkened up with a bit of dark green, ratio not measured. Sprayed panel centers with some thinned straight OD, then thinned it some more and sprayed it over the whole upper.

    I'll hit the bottom with MM Neutral Gray this weekend, and get it Futured prior to decals. It's coming together nicely!

    There will likely be a small bit of difficulty with the Tamiya center section. I will probably need to add some thin card to each side to get the width right. More to come on that after paint. If all else fails, I can use the kit center section.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Pedro L. Rocha said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Looking good!

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    This is definitely looking good ! Check out the headlines section...

    86th Fighter Group Archive of the A-36
    Jim Harley just posted a bunch of original photos of various A-36's. You will most likely find something there that grabs your interests...
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    Andrew H said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Louis, certainly. I couldn't believe how many great and unique shots were posted there... Snapshots in time, only make you wish the whole story.

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    Andrew H said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Not much of an update. Life has been pretty stacked recently and build time opportunities have been sparse.
    However, I've gotten the base colors sprayed down and coated in future. I'll likely lay one more layer down for a smoother finish. Just have to spray the yellow wing stripes. Then I'll proceed to the decals.

    As an aside, I found a NOS AM F-6B and decided that I'll eventually build it up in the provided 107th markings. This will coincide with another build that I have planned in the future with a recent A-10 I picked up. 🙂 Simple build with great results, plus you can't have enough Mustangs!

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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    Louis Gardner said 5 years, 4 months ago:

    Wow ! Your A-36 looks great ...even better with some paint on it. Good score with the f-6 too. Like you said, one can't have enough Mustangs. Well done. Looking forward to the next episode.