About this Group

I want to welcome everyone to participate in this new GB focusing models adorned with any sort of teeth and mouth. The main goal is depicting model planes, tanks, boats or any other weapon that sported any sort of animal mouth to strike fear on the enemies heart.

I’m sure most of is have a model that for this category somewhere within the stash that begs to be put on the workbench. So give it a try, it will run from today until December 1st, a full 6 month time span, so that even I can actually complete a model 🙂

Partially built models are allowed, providing it hasn’t gone past 50% of the work. All scales and genres are welcome, as are multiple builds.

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Group admin:
Moderator(s): (none assigned)
Group type: Public Group
Total participants: 39
Most recent activity in the group: 3 weeks, 1 day ago
Group activity timeline