1/48 Hasegawa A6M3 type 22 Ko

Started by Woody Kubacki · 27 · 1 year ago
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    Woody Kubacki said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    Starting another kit before I finish the Tamiya A6M5 is probably a bad idea, but here goes. This next model is yet another Hasegawa Zero, this time the type 22 ko with the long barrel canons. Assembly starts with my usual updates to the Hasegawa Zero: opening up the fuselage/cockpit hand grips, thinning the cockpit edges, thinning the cowl flaps, and opening up the exhaust pipes. Additionally I added a small hole on the port side of the fuselage for a compressed air fill hole, as well as under the engine accessory panel for a pre startup pre-lubrication crank hole (installed on late model A6M3 built in 1943). I also filled in the rectangles in the underside wing tank panels. These were wing vents to prevent the fuel heating up and causing vapour lock, but these were replaced with booster pumps (late model A6M3 as well). Finally holes in the spinner were added for the deicing system.

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    Woody Kubacki said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    I had some issues with the seams of the belly and wing vents popping up so I had to sand/fill/sand these again. The belly join/seam is not perfect, I'm getting a misalignment, but since this is supposed to be a quick build I decided to move on. Next I built the cockpit and painted it using MRP paints. I have to get creative with sanding the landing gear door seam, it turned out ok. Then I primered the model, black topsides and brown undersides, and added the marble coat.

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    Woody Kubacki said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    Next I painted the spinner (Tamiya LP-11), propeller blades (SM208), red warning stripes (MRP) using masks cut on my Cameo. Next I painted the underside colour (MRP Mitsubishi J3 SP) and topside colour (MRP D2). Like the MRP D1, the MRP D2 was fairly dark, but it looked great on the model.

    Mitsubishi factory painted dark green Zeros had a straight demarcation line from the wing trailing edge to the tail, without the swoop up to the horizontal stabilizers that Nakajima Zeros had. The line was a fairly tight soft edge, that I replicated using Uhu tac rolled into sausages and spraying into/over the tac. Additionally, the lower fairing of the horizontal stabilizers was painted the underside colour, so I masked that off with a Cameo cut mask.

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    Woody Kubacki said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    Next up were the tail codes. There is one famous photo of the plane I'm modeling in flight, but it is taken at an angle and so the tail code is distorted due to perspective. Since I don't have any advanced photo software, I used my iPhone to correct the image as best I could and then traced it in a CAD software and cut the Mask on my machine. I was going to copy the Hasegawa kit instructions (from a previous release) but I didn't think that they matched the numbers in the photo, especially the fat looking "2". With the masks cut (making either side slightly different from one another) , I applied them to the tail and sprayed an off white. In my rush I forgot to mask the rest of the tail and got quite a bit of overspray.

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    Woody Kubacki said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    Next was spraying the no walk lines and fuel cap doors. The Hasegawa kit has a round hatch in front of the windscreen that most take to be the fuel cap, but this is actually the oil cap, and the fule cap is missing. It is an oval shape and should be right in front of the windscreen. I made a mask and sprayed this cap, but my eyeballs were out of alignment that day as the cap is not centred...I'll have to sand and redo this when I spray the D2 dark green again to cover up all my other mistakes.

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    Woody Kubacki said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    I re-used the Hinomaru masks from my type 22 masks, except I added 75mm rings to the top and fuselage. From the photo you can see that the white surrounds were overpainted with black/dark green so I started with painting the outer portion D1 (these being fresh machines, there was no chipping of the dark green exposing the white), applied the ring masks, sealed the edges with liquid mask, and primered with a mix of Mr surfacer 1500 grey and some red, and then MRP hinomaru red. For some reason the underside hinomaru turned out wonky, so I will have to sand, paint and mask the markings again.

    I compared the type 22 with the type 52 I haven't completed yet. Note how small the early hinomaru are compared to the ones on the type 52. I also plan to polish the type 22 once the paint and decals are completed.

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    Woody Kubacki said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    So that brings us to a couple of days ago, painting the yellow IFF bands with MRP 419. I applied some yellow tinted grey primer to aid in coverage. Somehow a small hole appeared in the wing leading edge so I filled it with CA glue and will sand and repaint. All that is left to do is to paint the metal trim tabs J3 SP, redo the underside hinomaru, paint the landing gear load markings, redo the fuselage fuel cap, paint J# SP for the manufacturer's stencil, repaint the D2 (overspray), apply decals and polish the paint. This plane, like the 52, will only get some minor weathering and leaks and some chipping around fasteners.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    Wow! Yet another superb entry and almost finished, my friend @wkubacki! Looks amazing so far!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    Amazing work done on this Zero, Woody @wkubacki
    Great paintwork, also on the markings.

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    Erik Gjørup said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    Once again some very nice work. I really like the overpainted white.

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    Louis Gardner said 1 year, 10 months ago:

    Woody Kubacki (@wkubacki)
    Once again you have raised the bar ! Thank you for posting such well detailed build journals. It's nice to have for future reference.

    I also want to personally thank you for starting another epic build journal.

    Currently I'm working on finishing up some builds that are in various stages of completion. The plan is to then get busy with the Empire of Japan projects I have already started build journals for.

    I have been chomping at the bit to get a pair of 1/32 Hasegawa Ki-61's done. Then I picked up a few more of the new tool 1/48 Tamiya Hiens, one of which is "chrome plated". Lastly, I scored a 1/48 Hasegawa Ki-45 "Night Fighter", so I will build it along with the other two I have already started.

    Bottom line is this: We have a lot of life left in the Empire of Japan. All of these grand ideas I have, and so little time. 🙂

    Take care.

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    Woody Kubacki said 1 year, 9 months ago:

    Thanks for the comments fellas. It's been a while since I last posted, so here is a quick update. I repainted the fuselage fuel cap, centred this time, using a mask I cut out. Additionally I fixed the seam in the leading edge with some black CA glue, it was too obvious to not fix. Next, I painted the area under the windscreen using a mix of Nato black and runner black, I prefer these over the cowling colour for this purpose. Then I masked and painted the grey square for the c/n and painted the lower leading edges D2 dark green.

    I'm slowly working on painting the engine and upgrading the gunsight with thinner clear plastic sheet. At the same time I will polish the upper green with Tamiya polishing paste, but not to the extent I polished the type 52. Once that is done then it's time for decals and then some minor weathering and gluing in the final pieces in place. HOpefully the type 22 and 52 can be completed at the same time so i can focus on the other 52 (I know I Know) and then a break from IJN planes altogether

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 1 year, 9 months ago:

    Looks really wonderful so far, my friend @wkubacki!
    You can never build too many Zeros (in your case, all being true masterpieces)!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 1 year, 9 months ago:

    Looking beautiful, Woody @wkubacki

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    Woody Kubacki said 1 year, 7 months ago:

    Ok, well now that the type 52 is complete, I can get back to the 22. I have made a change of course, and instead of making it shiny and polished like the photo, I am making it dusty.
    It’s a chance to try some new weathering methods and to make this plane a bit more interesting.

    Hopefully I will be done this kit within the week and then I can move in to
    The type 52 ko (yes, I’ve been working on too many planes at once …4)

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