1/48 Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate

Started by Jaime Carreon · 18 · 4 years ago
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    Jaime Carreon said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    This was another spur of the moment build that just happened to be sitting right underneath the F-82 I just did for the Korean War group build. This is the Tamiya kit that was issued with the Kurogane car and a diorama base.

    My apologies for not having any build pics. I sat down a few afternoons ago and before I knew it, the kit was framed up and primed in silver. Parts count is low, which makes for a simple and quick build. I drilled out the lightening holes in the seat and added seat belts from tape with fine wire buckles. Cockpit interior is aluminum with a dark wash to pop out the details. I don't think I went far enough outboard with the yellow wing leading edges, but I can live with it. This one will be IJA green over IJA gray, should be painting it soon.

    Stay tuned...

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Jaime (@jetmex), I'm tuned in, hoping the car will follow soon 🙂

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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Jaime, @jetmex
    This looks very cool ! I have had similar experiences where you get in the "zone", and before you know it, you have a good portion of the model done... and then realize that you have not taken any photos during the construction. It happens. No harm no foul.

    Thanks for posting what you have, and I will be looking forward to seeing another installment when you can.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Hi Jaime @jetmex! What a lovely entry.

    Agree totally with Louis @lgardner for the "zone": it is great to put a model together in a few hours, kind of reminds me of my cildhood epic one afternoon constructions (and of course, no paint, glue oozing out, decals on the plastic...which is definitely NOT the case on your quality build).

    Next post will be a finished Hayate?

    Thanks for posting your great work, my friend.

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    Jaime Carreon said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Painted! Just finished shooting paint, my usual Model Master enamels - IJA dark green and IJA light gray. It's the last of those in my stash since they don't make those colors anymore, and as I really don't want to go acrylic unless I have to, it's time to start looking for another brand to use. I've heard good things about MR Paint, has anyone used it?. It's been pretty humid here in Houston this week, so I'm waiting for the proverbial paint to dry before I start pulling tape. And zoning out while building a model must be going around. This is the third one I've started in a month. I haven't done anything like that since sometime late last century!

    About a year ago, I got a chance to meet Louis Gardner on a trip to Florida, where we got together and did a tour of a warbird restoration shop in New Smyrna Beach. We had a grand time, and as i was leaving, he gave me a Badger airbrush compressor. I finally got a regulator and water trap for it, so it got it's maiden use on this model. I don't know how I've been getting by all these years without one of these! Thanks a million, Louis, I'm honored to be your friend!

    iModelers L-R - Joe Caputo, Jaime Carreon, Louis Gardner and an unnamed partially clothed young lady...

    Compressor setup...

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    This looks great, Jaime! The Badger seems to have been a great assistant too!
    I am also an enamel guy, I use Humbrols, the "good old" Humbrols, that I like a lot. They are easy (still) to get here in Greece, don't know about your place.

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    Jeremy Millan said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Looking good so far!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Great update - thanks for sharing!

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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Hello Jaime, @jetmex
    You are taking to the air brushing like a fish takes to water, (or a bird takes to the sky...). You are a natural at it... and it looks very good.

    I am very happy to hear that you got the compressor I gave you hooked up and running. You will grow to like it even more as you use it. You can also use it to spray on some of the smaller details on your large scale flying RC planes.

    Thanks for posting that photo of us together with Joe Caputo... He was a very nice person, and he will be missed. I had a blast that day ! The next time you come back to Florida, please give me a shout.

    Stay safe my friend, and I'm looking forward to seeing the next installment on your Frank.

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    Jaime Carreon said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    After a rather manic week, I finally got back to the Ki-84. All the subassemblies are done, so I did the decals. They are from the kit, and I chose this one because it was the most colorful of the lot. At a standstill now while I'm waiting for some Tamiya flat clear to arrive so I can do the final coat and finish putting it together. I guess I'll do some RC stuff while I'm waiting - there's an 86 inch Zero that also needs to be finished...

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Hey Jaime ! @jetmex
    This little Ki-84 of yours is really starting to pop now... especially since you chose one of the more colorful options from the decal sheet. It's looking very good my friend !

    No you have my full undivided attention with a flying RC Zero with an 86 inch wing span... So how much are you charging for rides in it ? 😉

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Hi Jaime @jetmex!
    This turns out wonderfully! Love the colourful option.
    Happy finishing your RC!

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    Jaime Carreon said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Had a good scare today. I've not been having very good luck with my usual Testor's clear and dullcote finishes lately, so I decided to try something different, ordering some Tamiya flat base. Mixed it with a little Future and shot it this afternoon. It went on beautifully, I thought. I was cleaning the airbrush and came back to check on the model, and the entire airplane had turned white! It was like I had sprayed the airplane with heavily thinned white paint. Panic doesn't begin to describe it. I let it dry for a bit, but it didn't get better. I was seconds from chucking the thing into the trash, but then I decided to wipe the airplane down with some rubbing alcohol.

    There are such things as happy accidents and this was one of them. What I ended up with was this:

    Which looked exactly like an airplane that's been around the block a time or two! So I decided to run with with it. A few hours later...

    Done! It's late here now, so I'll post to the headlines tomorrow...

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    Jaime @jetmex: this is a wonderful result! The fact that it came out of an accident makes it even more special.

    Regarding the mishap: had this same a long time ago, but with enamel matt clear.

    Thinner and climatic conditions might have contributed, but the baseline outcome was this: I was told to NEVER spray 100% matt clear, but add a tiny bit of gloss clear. Works great with enamels, never had a mishap since then, whatever the thinner and climatic conditions.

    Could this work with acrylics as well?

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 7 months ago:

    As luck had it, it turned out great. I have never tried mixing things with anything else than thinner, and usually the Tamiya Flat Clear works fine. Thank you for sharing the experience.