Woody, @wkubacki
Thank you again for posting your models in the headlines section. They are now getting a lot more attention, that they rightfully deserve. I am the moderator / host for the Empire of Japan group build. I can make additions to the group as needed. If you have more kits, and the desire to start a dedicated work journal, please do so. I can adjust the ending date as needed. In fact, I have several more planes that I want to build, and there are some others that have been started here that will need more time. The deadline is a fictional date in time...
I also see that you have met Erik...@airbum
He is our resident Experten on anything Bf-109 related. He is my "Go to" guy when I have a question about the 109. Erik is a kind gentleman, and his presence on Imodeler is greatly appreciated by all. There's not another person I know of that comes close with his knowledge on the type, with the exception of one more man. I will introduce you to him now.
We have another resident Luftwaffe experten... His name is Pedro Rocha, @holzhamer
Pedro is well versed and extremely knowledgeable in most, (if not all) of the Luftwaffe aircraft. He too has helped me out on numerous occasions.
So we members here at Imodeler have been blessed to have these two fine fellows present and accounted for. You should take a closer look at their work... They build models that are exemplary, and carry over their knowledge into their work. You will be hard pressed to find someone who can build a better looking Luftwaffe plane than these two.