I got some stuff done today.
The wings have a small fillet on each side of the engine that closes a small hole next to the wing. It basically acts as a filler between the forward part of the engine pod and the wing. Unfortunately, these pieces didn't fit and required a lot of cutting and shaping, followed by filler and sanding. Finally they are all smooth and sanded, but some panel lines disappeared. I have never had much luck using the usual tools to replace the panel lines. I always end up skating across the plastic, which results in more filling and sanding. I came across some photoetch blades from Tamiya that are basically miniature saws that cut panel lines. Gave it a try and I like it, so far. Seems more controllable.
1. Location of small fillets.
2. Fit of the two engine pod halves needed some work.
1. Replacing lost panel lines.
1. The saw requires 3 folds, and then it fits in a standard Xacto handle.
Test fitted the canopy and it needed a lot of fettling to make it fit. Once it was ready, I gave it a dip in Future. Once dry, I gave the edges some treatment with a black marker, and then glued it in place.
With that done, I hit the fuselage and canopy with filler, smoothing everything with various grades of sandpaper, When that was done, I attached the wings and horizontal stabilizers. Things look pretty good, and now it is just a matter of waiting for things to dry.
Done for now. It may be a few days before I can get anything new done. I have been having trouble with one of my hands, and the orthopedic doctor gave me a couple of injections in the joints in my thumb with something that is supposed to keep my thumb from locking up. So, I figure it will be a couple of days before my hand is useful for building again. Everyone stay safe. :o)
6 additional images. Click to enlarge.
1. A dip in Future really makes the canopy look great.
1. This is how I keep dust and cat hair off the canopy while it is drying.
1. Hi-tech tools to insure stabilizers stay at correct height while the glue is drying.
1. Joint between wing and fuselage worked out well after some carving and sanding.
1. Cowling came in two halves. Not a fan. Took some work to get it all smoothed out.