I approached the decals with a little caution. I wanted to use the kit decals, but they appeared rather thick. In addition, there was a great deal of clear carrier film around each of the decals. I trimmed as much of the excess clear film as I could before I applied the decal. I used MicroSet and MicroSol, as usual, and had no problems. I noticed that the decals released from its backing paper very quickly, so I was careful not to leave the decals in the water for more than a few seconds. I managed to lose 2 of 4 registration numbers during this process. The first set went on the vertical stabilizer without problem, but the second set drifted away from the paper backing after only a few seconds in the water. My attempts to rescue the decals resulted in a confused ball of decal, so one set of the registration numbers will be missing from the model.
1. Glossed, and ready for decals
1. Large amounts of clear carrier film
1. Large area of carrier film trimmed off with scissors
1. Registration number. Lost 2 of the 4 sets of these.
The decals seem to conform well to the panel lines, and the effort to cut away the clear film also seems to have paid off. I always let the decals dry for 24 hours, especially with the 90% humidity we are having in central Texas right now. Next step will be some clear flat, followed by some limited weathering. I have an idea that involves Mission Models Paint, but more on that later.
1. Decals settled into panel lines well.
2. Weird surface texture comes from being stuck to the clear plastic they came in. Hopefully the next clear coat will fix this. If not, then instant weathering. :o)
I added the engine cowlings after some fettling to get them to fit. The engine has a depression that fits onto a keyed, raised circle on the engine pod. Well, it didn't fit. I kept reducing the circumference of the raised area, but never got the engine to sit in place. I finally removed all of the raised area and glued the back of the engines to the newly flattened area of the pod. It fit perfectly, so another problem solved.
1. Back of engine should fit onto this extension
1. This should fit onto the raised area on the engine pod, but doesn't.
1. Raised area sanded off
1. Engines fit perfectly after surgery. The cowlings look like a lighter color than the rest of the plane because they did not receive the coat of clear gloss.
Everyone stay safe. Cheers.