1. Very good fit. Zero dihedral to obtain
Glued the wings to the fuselage. Fit was very good.
1. These lugs will be used to support the cockpit floor
As you can see, the two mounting lugs protrude well enough inside the empty area.
They will be used as supports for the cockpit floor I will attempt to construct.
After reading build reviews (the three excellent Paul's @yellow10, Marvin's @marvin and Roland's @rosachsenhofer among the few others)...
...and also after browsing extensively at the net (info and photos), I came to the conclusion that the Jake cockpit will look NOT very different than the Val cockpit.
Indeed, given the fact that they were both Aichis with broadly (ok...very broadly...) similar roles, designed and developed at broadly the same time frame, can lead someone to think that there will be quite a few similarities with the two cockpits.
Given the fact that no way this canopy will be open, I felt happy to conclude that trying to replicate a Val cockpit in the Jake might be passable under a closed canopy.
So, with the (previously built) Hasegawa Val instruction sheet at hand, I am off to my leftover kit bits dungeon to see what similar "bits and pieces" I will find.
I am sure a suitable "floor" will be found.
For the walls, i will use my sons' party dishes flat parts...ooops! sorry!...meant sheet styrene! (lol!) augmented with stretched sprue.
Ok, off to my leftover parts now...
...how about this Mach2 Do-26 console-ish attempt? O tempora! O mores!
All the best, Great EoJ GB!
I love your works!