Fine Molds 1/48 Yokosuka (Kugisho) D4Y1 Model 11 Suisei ”Judy”, IJN

Started by Reinhard Spreitzhofer · 79 · 4 years ago
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    Reinhard Spreitzhofer said 4 years, 10 months ago:

    DSC_0001 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 10 months ago:

    I have that exact kit, boxing and all in the stash. Please keep us posted on how it goes, and if you run into any problems with it along the way. I was surprised at how small it is when compared to other planes of it's type in the same category.

    This is another good pick... I'll be watching for updates for sure. Thanks for supporting our group as you have.

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    George Henderson said 4 years, 10 months ago:

    Looking forward to this

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    Reinhard Spreitzhofer said 4 years, 10 months ago:

    My dad is on an Axis trip 😀 already planned the next projects, besides some Luftwaffe stuff he decided to do some more Japanese aircraft. Guess he´ll start the Shoki and Judy when he has finished the Kate and Sonia.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 10 months ago:

    That is fantastic Reinhard!
    What perfect choices!

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    Paul Barber said 4 years, 10 months ago:

    Wow Reinhard,

    Fantastic commitment to the GB and great choices. This is going to be great!

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    Reinhard Spreitzhofer said 4 years, 9 months ago:

    finally started

    DSC_0003 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

    DSC_0004 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

    DSC_0005 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

    DSC_0006 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

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    Reinhard Spreitzhofer said 4 years, 9 months ago:

    already some paint for the cockpit

    DSC_0005 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

    nose job
    DSC_0007 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

    DSC_0008 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

    compared to other single engined naval bombers the Judy was a small aircraft

    DSC_0009 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 9 months ago:

    Great progress Reinhard!

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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 9 months ago:

    Wow, this is just what the doctor ordered... Great in progress photos. It was a small plane, a little bigger than the A6M, but not by much.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 4 years, 9 months ago:

    Great start I have this kit as well and about to start it. Was rounding up some extra goodies for it, There isn't much other than from Fine Molds themselves that has a PE set. Also working on a Kate and Val, but it is surprising how small the Judy is compared to the larger Kates and Val.

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 4 years, 9 months ago:

    I forgot to ask, what color did you use for the interior? Looks close to Tamiya XF-71 Cockpit Green

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    Reinhard Spreitzhofer said 4 years, 9 months ago:

    @ Chuck
    instructions call for Nakajima Green, which is a brighter green
    my dad used an old selfmixed paint, ingredients not known anymore

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    Reinhard Spreitzhofer said 4 years, 9 months ago:

    cockpit done and fuselage closed, added Eduard seatbelts

    DSC_0006 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

    DSC_0007 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

    DSC_0008 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

    gonna leave the bomb bay open

    DSC_0009 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

    nose job done

    DSC_0011 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 9 months ago:

    Cockpit looks super!