Messerschmitt Bf109 E-4, 1/48 FINISHED (new picture added)

Started by Erik Gjørup · 99 · 4 years ago · 109, airbum, Bf109, Bf109 E-4, halfworks, japanese, me109, Messerschmitt
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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Coming along gradually nicely, @airbum. I love the two kits going side by side.
    All the best!

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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    This is an amazingly detailed build. I especially enjoy the extra insight and the little details you provide. (That's what sets your journals apart). I like the little trick with the added protectors for the fin mounted antennae and how you add a strip of plastic sprue to protect the tail wheel. I have yet to purchase an Eduard 109, but I do have some of the Tamiya's that are waiting in line. I have built the Tamiya version of the E-3 through the E-7, and must say they are a very fine assembling model. Just like you mentioned, they go together quickly and look good once completed.

    The Eduard assembly looks to be incredibly detailed, and I can see how one could use this kit to make a nice maintenance diorama with the engine that is included.

    Hopefully we will see some wings here next... Thanks for posting.

    Stay safe my friend.

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Thank you for the comments Spiros and Louis. The added protector for the antenna is actually a piece of the "overflow" in the sprue that is there to ensure the plastic comes all the way. The stick is just a snapped cocktailstick, and works like a dream!

    @lgardner @fiveten

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    Chuck A. Villanueva said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Good work Erik, A BF-109 test bed sent to Japan for evaluation. This will be the most unusual build in Japanese markings. This probably inspired the Hein Tony development. The inline power plant in the 109 also was an influence as well., as the Japanese to this point were really into the radial engines. Makes you wonder if the Germans evaluated any of the Japanese aircraft. Now I'm curious to check that out. Thanks for an interesting build.

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    George Henderson said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Looking good

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Now I’m curious to check that out

    Aint that just the thing with this EoJ GB? Makes many of us tread new groung it seems - even to the point that "Work-in-progress Aircraft" has come to a grinding halt. . . - I will have to do something about that soon 🙂

    As goes for the "Tony" it was actually a licensebuilt DB engine, same as in the italian trio with watercooled inline engines! (now there's a build waiting to happen - two are in the stack, the third will be ordered soon). Thank you for stopping by - an update is on its way here in a few moments @uscusn

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Wings assembled

    and guns added, cowling carved oilcooler assembled

    The Tamiya 109 jumped a bit ahead today as the wings were glued together

    And left to cure

    While the guns were glued in place

    And with those minor steps, some carving -

    as the cowling got carved out to open the top as on the real plane

    Really a minor job, but a big difference. I got a bit eager though, and cut too deep in two places. That will be addressed by filler.

    Not in the pictures, a piece of card was glued in the lower fuselage to address the common problem of the Tamiya wing sitting too deep as the two small pegs designed to stop it from dropping into the fuselage are just cast to far inside the fuselage – I do believe it had been documented in another of my topics, but I shall try to remember to take a picture before the next post.

    Whats next? – stay tuned and find out!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    That's a progress, @airbum! I noted the cowling thinning and wing seating at the Tamiya Me, to remember when I will build my one. Isn't Imodeler's social modeling wonderful?
    All the best, my friend. Keep it up!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    I have just ordered a set of decals for a Brewster Buffallo in Japanese markings. It has the red/white "cocarde" I need and the "1". If it will be used here or a japanese Buffallo will be added to EoJ GB time will tell! In the meantime I am thinking of removing the Eduard from here and finish it as a Spanish plane instead. As no Japan-specific changes has been made, and not having the right canopy that might be the solution, but nothing has been decided yet - your comments are most welcome!

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Cannot comment about the Eduard, @airbum. However the Buffalo in Japanese markings is simply irresistible (makes my mouth water).!

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    Louis Gardner said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    What a big difference thinning out the rear of the upper engine cover has made ! I'll have to remember that little trick on my next 109 build... Thanks

    As far as the Buffalo in Japanese markings, that is a great choice. I hope to see it posted if you have the time to do so. I did a little surfing on the web and found these pictures. I'm sure that you probably have already seen them. From what I have read, 5 Bf-109 E-7's were sent to Japan for evaluation. To me these spinners look more like a BF-109 E-4, but I'm no "experten"

    and this next picture was most likely colorized. It looks pretty cool though.

    Take care Erik, and stay safe my friend.

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Thank you for comments and pictures @fiveten and @lgardner. I am very sorry to inform you that the buffalo decals are intended to be used for the 109. HOWEVER I may have to order a second set of decals with all that pressure - but a Brewster is not a 109. . . . Decisions decisions - and the gardening season is in full swing here in Denmark - oh well, one year still untill deadline you say?

    Stay safe my friends

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    Paul Barber said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Hey Erik, I have just caught up on this lot! (I mostly come on at weekends) - Sensational - I love the 'stream of consciousness' feel - it really adds to the build log - adds a unique atmosphere. The modelling is expert(en) indeed - I love these builds when some guesswork is needed - this is great! Stay out of the garden and at the bench!

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    @yellow10 thank you for comments and advice - sorry to say that I ended up in the garden, but today it is windy, and perfect to get some air through the "shop" to keep the fumes out, so here we go! another update soon.

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    Erik Gjørup said 4 years, 4 months ago:

    Card please

    a small piece of plastic saves the day

    The Tamiya 109E’s do tend to have the aft part of the wing sit a bit deep in the fuselage.

    A piece of plastic card takes care of that.

    And we are ready to assemble the wing/fuselage

    Alignment near perfect.

    And the sight gets a new piece of glass – there is a rather nasty cast-line in the middle of the clear part

    The glass is cut off and a small piece of clear card is glued in place. (The closeup also reveals how sloppy I was when painting this and also the placement of the instrument decal. . . Now it is documented for all to see – and me to remember to use the other pair of glasses next time)

    next up – a drill!