Wings assembled
and guns added, cowling carved oilcooler assembled
The Tamiya 109 jumped a bit ahead today as the wings were glued together
And left to cure
While the guns were glued in place
And with those minor steps, some carving -
as the cowling got carved out to open the top as on the real plane
Really a minor job, but a big difference. I got a bit eager though, and cut too deep in two places. That will be addressed by filler.
Not in the pictures, a piece of card was glued in the lower fuselage to address the common problem of the Tamiya wing sitting too deep as the two small pegs designed to stop it from dropping into the fuselage are just cast to far inside the fuselage – I do believe it had been documented in another of my topics, but I shall try to remember to take a picture before the next post.
Whats next? – stay tuned and find out!