Mirage IIIEA/Mirage V Fuerza Aerea Argentina – Revell 1/32

Started by Colin Gomez · 5 · 3 years ago
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    Colin Gomez said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Here is my final submission to this Group Build - not to stretch myself too thin here. 🙂 I figure this GB lasts a year, so I am hoping to source the appropriate decals for squadron markings and FAA lettering and otherwise paint the roundels, etc. in time to get it done.

    Here are some pics of what I might do - I really like the FAA SEA-style colors and pale blue roundels. This is the OLD Revell kit, which I dreamt about owing as a kid but couldn't afford. I kind of like doing these with a certain nostalgia. It actually builds up very nicely from examples I have seen online - generally good shapes and quite fixable where off. And it's big at 1/32, the scale I prefer these days. This is obviously the recon version of the Mirage V boxing. It includes the lllE nose, though, as seen test fitted here. In the same pic, you can also see that the clear parts are very transparent, flaw free and well-shaped. Unfortunately, the supplied tail fin in this boxing is not right for the lllEA. But it is a separate part, so I can easily add a fillet, cut and shaped from sheet styrene. The tail shape is also a problem in "lllE" boxings of this kit, I think. My understanding is that the Revell kit is more buildable than Italeri's more expensive "E" (reboxed by Revell) but, of course, not detailed. Interior detail is my thing, so I can go to town on this - the Martin Baker ejection seat is particularly prominent and fun to do. BTW, I also have the Italeri Mirage lllC and will do that in Israeli colors one day. I love the Mirage, just haven't had time to complete one yet.

    If anyone knows of any problems with using this Mirage V to build the IIIE please let me know. I guess I am most talking to you, Spiros, my friend, since you would have extensive knowledge of real Mirage aircraft variants. Your input would be really valuable. 🙂 I don't get tied up in knots about very small differences in the airframe but I would like to know if the re-engined V made for significant changes in the fuselage (width?). It looks like Revell re-uses the same simplified nozzle/burner can - which I would replace or detail anyway.

    BTW, I might have an option to do the Dagger (IAI Mirage V) but I like the lllE nose better and only have the BR recon camera nose for the "5" anyway, so that would be a lot of surgery.

    Here is the limited history I have gleaned from the Net so far. The Daggers saw more direct action in bombing runs but the IIIEAs went up against Sea Harriers when acting to lure them away from the strike aircraft (58 sorties). They might have been quite formidable adversaries to the British if they weren't limited to five minutes of air combat over the target before needing to turn for home. Of those that saw action, one was lost to a SHAR Sidewinder and another was damaged by another SHAR before being shot down by Argentine AA while attempting to land (friendly fire).

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Good morning, my friend @coling!

    This is a great entry!

    I have no specific knowledge on the EAs, apart from what I've read at the Net. I believe, if you scratch build the fin fillet and tail (seemingly) drag chute housing, you'll be more or less OK. I would also study all pics available, in order to feel confident about antennas kind and position at that time. Engine was the same with the "standard" IIIE. About the tail, I believe the kit provided one is wrong (at least for the EAs and many Es). It looks like a drag chute was installed there, evident in almost every E (and EA) profile. This seems not to be provided by the kit (I might check mine, but not possible now, as my two monkeys are awake and I am in my mobile... 🙂 )

    Info on the EAs specifics is not that great at the Net. Hope @tcinla might come to the rescue, as was the case with the Pucara info?

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    The "5" sported a longer, different nose...

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    Colin Gomez said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    Thanks, Spiros. Further checking and looking at some fine builds of this kit on line suggest I am on the right track so far. I even came across some 32nd scale decals for FAA Mirages from Aztec, but these are currently SOLD OUT on their website and on eBay. It seems others in the modeling world are gearing up for the Falklands/Malvinas anniversary too. I am hoping they will reprint/reissue theirs as it would almost certainly be a money-making move for them (well, at least I'd buy them instantly).

    I have been taking a pause from model making while fixing my compressor. I had a ridiculous accident in having my office chair come crashing down on the compressor, thus snapping off the pressure gauge.

    It took some effort, finding parts over the Easter weekend during a pandemic lockdown but I actually got what I needed and installed a new gauge within 48 hours. Of course, all this was secondary to holiday time with family. Must keep modeling!.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 years, 11 months ago:

    That was a quick repair, my friend @coling!

    Yesterday one of my chair's legs decided to break (OK, after some 25 years of good service)...

    Yours truly falling, trying to get gold from wherever possible, the liquid glue (yes, the thin one...) was knocked and rolled over, the Victor was an inch away...

    Why not a single drop of glue went on the Victor is a mystery... 🙂

    P.S. Now that the global modeling heat for the Falklands/Malvinas anniversary is rising, I won't be surprised to see some informative articles being netted...