Hi Spiros (@fiveten) and John (@johnb): I have found one photo that shows a tiny portion of the area where the guns used to be. It looks like some of the area is filled with a panel, but some of the area also looks open. It never fails that just as soon as I decide what to do and fix it, that someone will turn up with a photo that shows something different.
I hope Santa is good to you, John. Start out slow to prevent frustration, but you will soon be turning out professional-looking parts. Did you ask for a specific brand? Did you ask for a filament printer or a liquid resin printer?
Here are two sites for you to check out:
This is an aggregator for print files. You type in what you are looking for, and it searches a number of sites for files and then provides a link to each.
This is a specific site for 3D files. I seem to get most of my files from this site.
Also take a look at tinkercad.com
This is free, simple site that lets you design your own parts.
When you look at the files available, you are looking for files with an ".stl" extension. You will download the files, move them into the slicer software that comes with the printer, and it prepares the object for printing and exports the file in whatever type of format your printer needs.