Cheers Simon, they were worth it in the end but it was a tedious affair as always! When I have a repetitive or fiddly part of the build like that I normally put a film on as well to keep my mind occupied!
The front windscreen has test fitted in well, just a few drops of PVA needed here and there when the time is right to fix it in place. The door sills also get a carbon fibre decal.
I decided it was best to paint all of the different panels Ferrari red at the same time to make sure that the tone was even. I checked my can of TS-8 that has been sat there for a few years but I'm not confident that there will be enough in there to do the lot. I'll have to wait on the post now to get my new can, which I think I will decant and airbrush on. I've never actually decanted a spray paint can before so I will wear some older clothes and stand outside I think!
I had already removed the parts from the sprues when I was away on the boat so it was just a case of priming them white. The interior panels have got a coat of either semi gloss or gloss black, the latter to receive even more carbon fibre decals.
3 additional images. Click to enlarge.