Lamborghini Huracan Performante

Started by George Williams · 33 · 3 months ago · Aoshima, Lamborghini
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    John vd Biggelaar said 4 months ago:

    After cleaning the parts they do look great, George @chinesegeorge
    A very fine looking engine compartment.

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    George Williams said 3 months, 4 weeks ago:

    Thanks again Spiros @fiveten, @johnb, @garybrantley. Like I said before I’m not very good at WIPs. The next pictures show the completed interior:

    It’s mainly painted in semi gloss black. The seats have some orange panelling to my own design, and I’ve added some seat belts made from painted Tamiya flexible masking tape. A lot of the details are hidden from view, such as the foot pedals and the instrument display.

    One of the features of the Performante version is a significant loss of weight over the standard Huracan, partly achieved by using chopped strands of carbon fibre embedded in resin.

    This is especially visible on the rear aerofoil, and on the pods on the dashboard and centre console.

    I’ve tried to represent this by using a small piece of sponge dabbing on Tamiya Titanium Silver, a technique I saw on-line. It seems a bit heavy handed but it’s not too different to an after market decal set I’ve seen. It needs a little more practice perhaps.

    Anyway, that’s it for now, thanks for looking, and happy modelling.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 months, 4 weeks ago:

    Coming together nicely, my friend @chinesegeorge!

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 months, 4 weeks ago:

    The chipping worked very well, George @chinesegeorge
    Definitely better than when you would have used decals.

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    George Williams said 3 months, 4 weeks ago:

    Thanks Spiros @fiveten and @johnb, I feel I’m ploughing a lonely furrow here, but never mind, happy modelling.

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    Gary Brantley said 3 months, 4 weeks ago:

    Well, the chassis/cockpit is looking great, George. 👍 Your duplication of the carbon fiber strands is interesting and represents a fact of which I was previously unaware. Pardon me for saying it, but it appears as if the gulls got too close! 😁

    When do you join the body to the chassis? Looking forward to seeing more...😉

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 months, 4 weeks ago:

    It is true that the automobile section tends to be quieter than, say, the aeroplane GBs, but never mind, my friend @chinesegeorge : still, quite a few of us here are watching with interest.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 months, 4 weeks ago:

    It's all about modelling and techniques regardless of what the model will be, I will keep on following your build, George @chinesegeorge

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    George Williams said 3 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Hi Spiros @fiveten, @johnb, and welcome Gary @garybrantley. Thanks for your support and interest, it’s much appreciated.

    Gary, I know what you mean about seagulls, and the two halves have been joined, actually they clip together, better than some of the wrestling matches I’ve had in the past.

    Here’s a photo without the engine cover in place.

    And here’s one with the cover in place.

    Actually it’s hinged, there are two pieces of wire included in the kit to act as supports.

    Still to do is the glazing. Aoshima supply some pre-cut masks for the windscreen and the two small side windows, you have to make your own for the bigger side windows. After masking and painting they look like this:

    They are fixed from the outside which is all very well, but it means there is very little glueing area.

    That’s it for today, thanks again, and happy modelling.

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    Eric Berg said 3 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Looking absolutely gorgeous, George @chinesegorge. Great save on the paint but those strands of carbon fiber do look a tad odd. Lamborghini and Aoshima actually calls out for that despite it detracts from the car's beauty? At least in my humble opinion it does.

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    John vd Biggelaar said 3 months, 3 weeks ago:

    The transparency parts look great, George @chinesegeorge
    Even with the engine cover on still a lot can be seen.

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    Spiros Pendedekas said 3 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Excellent job so far, my friend @chinesegeorge!

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    George Williams said 3 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Hi Eric @eb801, Gary @garybrantley, Spiros @fiveten, and @johnb, thanks for all your comments. I’ve finished this car for now. I’ve tried to tone down the seagull droppings by giving them a coat of Tamiya Smoke, but it doesn’t seem to have had much effect.

    It’s not perfect, I can’t get the side windows to sit properly and the lights are not all that they should be. On the other hand I’m fairly pleased with how the paintwork turned out.

    I’ll try and take some outdoor photos later.

    I’ve got two more Aoshima kits on order (it’s my birthday in a couple of weeks) so I’ll try and use the lessons learnt on this one.

    In the meantime thanks for following and commenting, and happy modelling.

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    Eric Berg said 3 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Aoshima kits are great overall, George @chinesegeorge. What do you have lined up next by them?

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    George Williams said 3 months, 3 weeks ago:

    Thanks, Eric @eb801, I’m on a Lamborghini kick at the moment, so I’ve got the Aventador Roadster

    and the Murcielago SV

    coming, should be fun. There’s a great video on line showing you how the real Murcielago is built, I’m sure it’s on You-tube, which I can’t get in China, but I found it on Happy modelling.