The colours for the engine block seem almost spot on in the instructions, but you also get a double sided reference sheet of photos from the actual bike in the box. This is a nice little touch and also a great idea, It would be good to see that more often with the cutting edge kits.
I painted the engine in my normal way of priming gloss black, adding the paint then giving it a panel wash of diluted Tamiya smoke. It looked a little too shiny in the end so I gave it a light coat of satin varnish to dull things down a little bit.
I've painted the frame in semi gloss Tamiya X-18 and left it varnish free. This is actually spot on for replicating the black frame colour on the Yamaha. Well it was that colour on my R1, never rode the M1! I've taken extra care here not to get any micro sol on the bare paint when setting the decals on the frame.
I'm going to build this one completely out of the box so I'm not going to use any carbon fibre decals, instead I'm going to paint these parts in a glossy black to see how that turns out. The parts which would require them look like it would be really hard work to get them down smooth. There doesn't seem to be a pre cut or stencil sheet available for them so I'm going to leave that one alone!