A minor update at last, now that the 'shelf of doom' has been cleared! I have decided to use a lot of photo-etch on this build. I am generally not 'for' too much metal addition and try to choose those parts that enhance most, leaving the rest out. However, I realised that I haven't ever really gone the whole hog! So, warts and all I'll give it a whirl. I guess my opinion over 'the etch' will form as the process continues. I am using a fairly unforgiving macro lens for photography, and spotted - after taking these pictures that part of the side panel insert hadn't bent down as flat as it needed to (pic 5) - so that will be fixed before the next update!
The photos show the original kit detail; then the sanded interior to remove that detail and then the insertion of the first Eduard photo-etched parts. CA glue used initially - then Gator Grip, after a fine diamond file was used to level etch edges.
6 attached images. Click to enlarge.