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Drew Tarter
27 articles

1:48 Accurate Miniatures F3F-1

April 24, 2013 · in Aviation · · 14 · 3.7K

Here's my attempt at the 1:48 Grumman -1, and it's built straight from the box. The only thing I added was the antenna wires. The kit is a real jewel - any flaws are mine alone. Accurate Miniatures was my favorite model company, and I really hate they went under. The kits they produced were - and still are - the best examples of their kind ever made. I finished it with kit decals to depict an F3F-1 from Fighting Four deployed aboard USS Ranger in 1937.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Excellent build, Drew...a fine job.

  2. This ain't my scale and really not my subject matter either but that matters less: A beautiful build in a good looking paint scheme! I really wish that AM had survived to make more kits!



  3. Lovely work Drew,just checked out your other stuff -all just as good,keep it up.

  4. Thank you, Neil and Magnus!

  5. Fantastic, got to do one myself.

  6. a very interesting subject and an amazing built! Very nice!

  7. Sweet lookin' Golden Age bi-plane! Great job!

  8. Those AM F3Fs are little jewels. Very nice realization of the model. I miss we don't have our flock of F3Fs out at Chino any more (in the late 90s we had all four of them, including the 2-seater, which I once got a ride in).

  9. Wow, this is great!

  10. said on May 28, 2013

    Drew ... ANOTHER GREAT build by you .. IT DOES look like a real plane sitting on a flight line, waiting for a crew ...LOVE the photography, with GOOD close up shots .. AWESOME,... guy ...

  11. Just ran across this. Really beautiful job on this one.

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