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Mark Housley
23 articles

Airfix English Electric Lightning

March 15, 2014 · in Aviation · · 25 · 3.9K

Hi All, This is one of my most recent builds its the New Tool F2A.

I must say it was a pleasure to build pretty much went together flawlessly the only little niggle was the inserts in the nose for the gun openings these were to thick so when placed into the openings they sit quite proud of the fuselage a bit of sanding soon had em snugged down, the other area to watch is the nose ring this also needs a bit of thinning down you will see if ever you build one when you test fit the two halves together with the cockpit and intake assembly all dry fitted you will notice that the two halves don't meet around the nose intake ring and the two haves are proud of the nose ring so the quick fix is to thin down the inside of this area and with a bit of fettling everything comes together nicely apart from that its built and ready for paint in no time.

I painted this one with Model Master Bluffable paint and i used Rub N Buff Silver plate on different panels to try to give a bit of colour variance, the only difficult process was to now fit the decals and try not to use to much Decal solution as the Model Master Paint doesn't like the stuff if you put to much on and you let it run it takes the top surface shine away so you end up respraying and buffing in the end i just put the decal in place with water and lightly brushed the decal with Daco mild solution and let it do its thing to be honest it wasn't really strong enough to get the decal to settle down so i went on to try the medium again it didn't seem to work so i tried a little Tamiya A20 thinners and this seemed to do the trick.

Once the decals are on thats pretty much it i couldn't spray a varnish over it as that would take away the natural metal look so it was just a job of being careful when handling it as the finnish is a nightmare where finger prints are concerned.

Hope you like it
cheers Yawl

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25 responses

  1. Very nice model! I can't wait to lay my hands in one of this.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Another 1/72nd scale (or as some would have us believe, the only 'true scale'), example, Mark. You do nice work.

  3. Really nice Mark. I continue to hear good things about the new Airfix. Great job on the finish. It looks beautiful for 1/72.

  4. Another good looking model of a good looking aircraft. I finally got my hands on one last week.
    You sure do put the builds out.

  5. Great Lightning Mark. I wish folk would stop building this kit! cos.Its making me wanna buy one. 🙂 .

  6. Nice Mark, really nice, Airfix yet again show that they can produce good kits.
    You done a fine job mate.
    Well done Mark.

  7. Nice job. One of my favorite subjects.

  8. Terrific job. This kit looks so much cooler than the previous Trumpeter offering.

  9. Nice job Mark, the finish is just right, a hard working but well cared for warhorse. I've finally got one on the way, I just hope mine is half as nice as yours

  10. Nice clean build.

    • Thanks Rick, Im Sure you will do just as good a job, if i did it again i thing i would go down the Alclad rout or try the metal foil method i certainly wouldn't use the buffable paints they are just to fragile well they are for me i can be a bit ham-fisted occasionally and forget to be more careful with my finger prints
      Thanks for the kind comments

  11. Mark,
    Your work in 1/72 is exquisite. Another excellent model.

  12. Mark,
    I didn't know that Airfix had done a new Lightning in 1/72. Beautiful job on one of the greatest aircraft ever, and thanks for posting.

    • Hello Robert, Yes the now tool 1/72 is very similar to the 1/48 one in its construction its a great kit just a few niggles as i mention in my brief description of the build, my advise is to buy one and build it, consider your 1/48 model a practice for this little Fella
      Cheers Robert
      let me know if you can't get hold of one ill send you one 😉

  13. There have been a number of Lightnings posted recently, and this one is really good as well. Good job, Mark.

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