Camouflage and Markings – Hawker Hurricane in the Battle of Britain
The following profile artwork is displayed by kind permission of Mr Rick Kent – Ed.
At the end of June 1940, following the fall of France, the majority of the RAF's 36 fighter squadrons were equipped with Hurricanes. Both the Supermarine Spitfire and the Hurricane are renowned for their part in defending Britain against the Luftwaffe; generally, the Spitfire would intercept the German fighters, leaving Hurricanes to concentrate on the bombers, but despite the undoubted abilities of the "thoroughbred" Spitfire, it was the "workhorse" Hurricane that scored the higher number of RAF victories during this period, accounting for 55 percent of the 2,739 German losses, according to Fighter Command, compared with 42 per cent by Spitfires.
As a fighter, the Hurricane had some drawbacks. Markedly slower than the Messerschmitt Bf 109E, its thick wings compromised the acceleration but it could out-turn the german fighter. In the hands of an able pilot the Hurricane proved capable of destroying the German fighter, especially at lower altitudes. The standard tactic of the 109s was to attempt to climb higher than the RAF fighters and "bounce" them in a dive; the Hurricanes could evade such tactics by turning into the attack or going into a "corkscrew dive", which the 109s, with their lower rate of roll, found hard to counter. If a 109 was caught in a dogfight, the Hurricane was capable of out-turning the 109. On the other hand, a stern chase on a 109 was usually futile as the latter could easily evade the Hurricane.
The Hurricane was a steady gun platform and had demonstrated its ruggedness, but its construction made it dangerous in the event of the aircraft catching fire; the unportected fuel tank in front of the pilot meant that any fuel fire could spread easily though the cockpit and the rear fuselage structure. Many Hurricane pilots were seriously burned as a consequence of a jet of flame which could burn through the instrument panel. This became of such concern to Hugh Dowding that he urged retrofitting the Hurricanes with a self-sealing rubber coating in their fuel tanks.
Other significant upgrades such as replacement constant-speed propellers and metal-covered wings which were applied to the original Hurricane Mk Is throughout 1940 were just as important in keeping the aircraft competitive as a fighter. Finally, in September 1940, the more powerful Mk IIa series 1 Hurricanes started entering service, although only in small numbers.
The only Battle of Britain Victoria Cross was awarded to Flight Lieutenant Eric Nicolson of 249 Squadron as a result of an action on 16 August 1940 when his section of three Hurricanes was "bounced" from above by Bf 110 fighters. All three were hit simultaneously. Nicolson was badly wounded, and his Hurricane was damaged and engulfed in flames. While attempting to leave the cockpit, Nicolson noticed that one of the Bf 110s had overshot his aircraft. He returned to the cockpit, which by now was an inferno, engaged the enemy, and may have shot down the Bf 110.
Nice looking profiles, Martin. Thanks for sharing.
Who was the highest scoring Hurricane ace of WW II ? Here's a clue. He scored all his kills in the Mediteranean area of opetations.
Pat Prattle - yes? I have his book "Ace of Aces" by E C R Baker.
Sorry - Pat Pattle.
Flying a Gladiator too.
Nice profiles, Martin ! The bigger spinners are for the Rotol Prop ?
Yes, you're exactly right. They were oversize in diameter for the Hurricane as they were designed and made for Spitfires which had a larger nose diameter.
excellent article! please sir, may i have some more?
Yes there will be more
Nice profiles Martin, thanks for posting them.
Gregor you are spot on. Pattle was born in South Africa and enlisted in the RAF. He also holds the distinction of being the highest scoring Gloster Gladiator ace with 15 kills and 35 on the Hurricane. He was killed in combat against an Me 110. On that day he was severely ill and running a severe fever. Even though he was grounded he took off against orders.
Hi Morne, yes the book is sadly quite short, and he was only active for 9 months 1940 - 1941.
Thanks for posting these Martin, I noticed several profiles had the bright reds and blues that the decals on my Hurricane depict. It appears Airfix was right all along
I've heard the Hurri took down more enemy aircraft than any other allied fighter. Could be true considering the time in action (the whole war), theatres involved in (all of them), and countries flown for.
Great subject. Where's 32 Sqn, with their big "GZ's"?
Love the profiles. Thanks for posting. Would love to see more. Did a yellow nosed Hurricane BoB earlier this year.
10+ years ago! No wonder I did not weigh in on this post. I love the Hurricane the way others are taken by the Bf-109. This post appeared at the bottom of the headlines page today. I always check down there to see what I might have missed, and I usually find something to follow up on.