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Tom Cleaver
933 articles

1/32 Bf-109B-2

December 15, 2012 · in Aviation · · 3 · 2K

The Bf-109E-1 modified to Bf-109B-2 with the Alley-Cat conversion set. Very easy.

There's been no end of confusion over the camouflage the first Bf-109B's were in when sent to Spain. I agree with Lynn Ritger's research, that they were taken directly off the production line (lots of sources for that), and sent in 70/71/65. The confusion comes from the later Bf-109Cs and Bf-109Ds that were sent in 63/65 and then repainted in the field.

Finish "sun-faded" in the hot Spanish sun per some photos in Lynn's first 109 "Modeler's Guide".

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3 responses

  1. That's a beauty, Tom. Looks like the Alley Cat conversion set is seamless and fit perfectly- your Berta looks like it was kitted that way. I have the AC Bf109D conversion with decals for Handrick and Molders- it surely looks great in the box and this replica of yours is most encouraging!

  2. Beautiful build! I can just see it clearing the skies of I-16s over Espana!

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