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Matt Mears
16 articles

1/48 F-16F Block 60

December 8, 2012 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.3K

Hey Guys,
a bit about myself first, i am a 16 year old from Australia and have been model building aircraft for 2 years now,

this is my latest build ! 's F-16F Block 60,
the kit fits together pretty much perfect, quality detail with the panel lines,

i used 2x true detail ejection seats, and for the wsah used "flory Models" or as some know it as "ProModeller" weathering wash, i used the Dark Dirt.

Let me know what you think,



Reader reactions:

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. I've been modeling twice as long as you've been alive and I STILL can't do as well as you just did! Very nice work, Matty...very nice.

  2. Thanks Mate,


  3. Excellent work. Didn't know the ANG had these more advanced Lawn Darts.

  4. Not a complaint or anything, but I think what's on the tail doesn't correlate with the national insignia. Could be wrong here. Great painting.

  5. Hey Mate, you could be right , just went off the decal plan, here is a Photo of the real thing,


  6. 16? Sheeeesh... I'm embarrassed...

  7. your work is amazing!

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