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Anders Isaksson
12 articles

1/48 P-47D Thunderbolt

December 29, 2012 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.5K

This is the wonderful Tamiya kit built out of the box with only a set of Eduard pre-painted seatbelts added along with an aftermarket decal sheet used to mark this one as 'My Gal Sal' from 378th FS/362nd FG based in England during 1943.

What more to say about this build? Released in 2003, this kit is a true Tamiya classic that is as close to 'shake and bake' as they come.

Reader reactions:
1  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Anders... Shake and bake it may be, but that finish did not come from the box. Nice "Jug" and great weathering.

  2. Perfect weathering and finish.

  3. beautiful 'office', superb work.

  4. It's unanimous, Anders...a nicely built & painted Thunderbolt. We like it.

  5. The wear on the upper wing surface is superbly accurate. I don't know how someone failed to give this a "10" - perhaps it's true we do need eyecare insurance in the new health plan. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Thanks all for the nice comments, I'm glad you like it! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Tom, I suppose there are a few details that could have been done better - as there always seem to be with every single model.
    Looking at the pics now I noticed a slight shine to the OD that I remember I never managed to completely get rid off. Rather annoying.

    Thanks again!

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