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Geoffrey Abreu
60 articles

1/72 Academy F/A-18C

December 8, 2012 · in Aviation · · 4 · 1.4K

This is the Academy 1/72 F/A-18C. I built this OOB with the exception of the ejection seat which I believe was from Quickboost. I painted it with Model Master enamels and the decals are from MAW and were excellent. A very nice kit to build and I have several more in the stash.

Reader reactions:

4 responses

  1. Another excellent build I could have easily mistaken for a larger scale. Very nice work (even though it's beginning to take on the appearance of an "egg plane") - what happened?

  2. Thanks Craig, I dont know exactly what happened but if you click on the photo it will put it in the righ aspect ratio.

  3. I'm afraid there was a minor bug which kept skewing the image proportions here, should be fixed now. It had to do with embedding the images from Photobucket.

    It will work very well (especially after this fix :), but has some slight disadvantages compared with uploading the pics directly, notably the lack of headline image/thumbnail to your article. These cannot be created if the pictures are hosted externally.

    Another user has discovreed an easy way to get the best of both worlds: Take ONE of your pictures and upload it to iModeler, and embed all the rest from Photobucked just the way you did in the article. The uploaded picture will become a headline image.

    Best regards

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