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John Healy
162 articles

1/72 LVG C.V

December 22, 2012 · in Aviation · · 4 · 2.7K

This is a Sierra Scale vacuform kit from around 1988. These were outstandingly crisp vac kits that were the only game in town for many WW1 types years ago. Sierra Scale kits build superbly. I painted it with Humbrol enamels and used model railroad stains for the wooden fuselage. This is another one that Windsock magazines and datafiles were a big help with.

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4 responses

  1. You obviously put a lot of effort into your work, but I can't see it. Does anyone else see really hazy images?

  2. John,
    It would seem that the pics are blurred because of something in your camera setup...
    What camera are you using?

  3. John, I have soft spot for WWI bird done in 72nd scale... Superbly done...

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